Affective Solidarities?

Participating in and Witnessing Fair Trade and Women’s Empowerment in Transnational Communities of Practice

in Anthropology in Action
Debarati Sen Kennesaw State University

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The popularity of fair trade products has engendered new possibilities for consumer citizens in the global North to demonstrate solidarity with producers in the global South. Fair trade enthusiasts not only buy labelled products as an act of solidarity with producers in Darjeeling’s tea plantations; but also extend their affective solidarity by voluntarily visiting certified production sites to witness how fair trade affects workers’ livelihoods. Fair trade as transnational praxis has inadvertently pushed justice seeking and delivery to a non-state sphere that is not accountable to the workers in terms of citizenship rights; however, it must address the bargaining power of producers since wages and benefits are baseline determinants of quality of life. Fair trade-engendered solidarity practices erase the complex history of workers’ struggle with the state and established systems of power through collective bargaining. These acts in turn produce new kinds of transnational praxis affecting the plantation public sphere.

Contributor Notes

Debarati Sen conducts feminist ethnographic research in the Indian Himalayas on women organic tea producers’ subjective engagements with and mobilisations around sustainable development. She has published in refereed journals like Feminist Studies, Environment and Society, Society and Natural Resources, Critique of Anthropology. Her book on Everyday Sustainability: Gender Justice and Fair Trade Tea in Darjeeling is forthcoming. E-mail:

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Anthropology in Action

Journal for Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice

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