This article analyzes debates about online pornography filters and youth in the Swedish press between 2016 and 2020, focusing on the depiction of boys and young men. Critics of filtering software argued that boys could self-regulate if they were provided better sex education and if parents communicated with them about pornography. In contrast, advocates posited that boys are incapable of developing healthy sexuality because online pornography is a powerful drug that leads to addiction and contributes to a rape culture. As boys were considered unable to get a filter “in their head,” proponents argued for disciplinary supervision through software in schools.
Lucas Gottzén is a Professor in the Department of Child and Youth Studies at Stockholm University. He takes feminist and critical perspectives on youth, gender, and sexuality. He is the author of several academic books and the lead editor of the Routledge International Handbook of Masculinity Studies (2020) and Men, Masculinities, and Intimate Partner Violence (2021). Email: