A New Interpretation of ‘无恶’ in the Book Analects · Li Ren

in Critical Survey
Xinyu Du Researcher, Xinyang Normal University, China 15110110013@fudan.edu.cn

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In comparing the passage ‘非之而不可亚(恶)者, 䈞(笃)于忎(仁)者也’ from the Guodian Chu Slips Xing Zi Ming Chu with the excerpt ‘苟志于仁矣, 无恶也’ from the Li Ren chapter in the Analects, a revealing juxtaposition emerges. When examining the phrase, the term ‘无’ should be construed as ‘unable to’, signifying a nuanced perspective. This statement conveys an attitude towards individuals earnestly dedicated to pursuing goodness. Delving into surrounding chapters of the Li Ren chapter sheds light on the understanding that the term ‘恶’ should be interpreted in the context of likes and dislikes. Hence, the claim ‘苟志于仁矣, 无恶也’ implies that if devoted to benevolence, one should not be despised.

Contributor Notes

Xinyu Du is a Doctor of Literature. Working at the School of Literature, Xinyang Normal University, mainly engaged in the study of ancient literature. He has long been engaged in research on unearthed classics, and using unearthed literature to correct errors in passed down classics. He has published several papers in journals such as Chinese Literature and History Essays, Chinese Classics and Culture, Research on Bamboo and Silk and Bamboo and Silk. At present, the manuscript ‘Research on Huanglao Silk Books in Mawangdui’ has been selected for volumes 20–30 of the ‘Mawangdui Han Tomb Research Library’ of the Hunan Provincial Museum. E-mail: 15110110013@fudan.edu.cn

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