The Pain and the Creeping Feeling

Skewed Girlhood in Two Graphic Novels by Åsa Grennvall

in European Comic Art
Maria Margareta Österholm Stockholm University, Sweden

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The aim of the article is to analyse how a feminist critique is expressed in the graphic novels Det känns som hundra år [It feels like a hundred years] (1999) and Deras ryggar luktade så gott [Their backs smelled so good] (2014) by Åsa Grenvall. The theoretical framework draws from the concept of skewedness, a variation of queer theory, and theories of queer temporality. Grennvall delivers a feminist critique by exposing the norms of girlhood as unattainable and by visualising skewedness in relation to girlhood and the lifelines of the protagonists, a result of both gender norms and emotional neglect.

Contributor Notes

Maria Margareta Österholm is a lecturer in Gender Studies at Stockholm University and member of the research project Contemporary Swedish Feminist Comics as Medium for Political Activism and Critique. ORCID: 0000-0003-2129-8742.

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