Environment and Society

Advances in Research

Founding Editors:
Paige West, Columbia University
Dan Brockington,
 University of Sheffield

Amelia Moore, University of Rhode Island
Jerry Jacka, University of Colorado Boulder

Subjects: Environmental Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, Geography

Volume 16, Transitions: The Promises and Pitfalls of "Clean" Energy as Climate Mitigation

Volume 17: Knowledge Encounters


Latest Issue Table of Contents

Volume 15 (2024): Issue 1 (Sep 2024)

Volume 15 / 2024, 1 issue per volume (autumn)

Aims & Scope

Environment and Society: Advances in Research is an annual review journal, publishing articles that have been commissioned in response to specific published calls.

The field of research on environment and society is growing rapidly and becoming of ever-greater importance not only in academia but also in policy circles and for the public at large. This growth reflects the urgency of debate and the pace and scale of change with respect to the water crisis, deforestation, biodiversity loss, the looming energy crisis, nascent resource wars, environmental refugees, climate change, and environmental justice, which are just some of the many compelling challenges facing society today and in the future. It also reflects the richness and insights of scholarship exploring diverse cultural forms, social phenomena, and political-economic formations in which society and nature are intricately intertwined, if not indistinguishable.

As a forum to address these issues, we are delighted to present an important peer-reviewed annual: Environment and Society: Advances in Research. Through this journal we hope to stimulate advanced research and action on these and other critical issues and encourage international communication and exchange among all relevant disciplines.

Environment and Society publishes critical reviews of the latest research literature on environmental studies, including subjects of theoretical, methodological, substantive, and applied significance. Articles also survey the literature regionally and thematically and reflect the work of anthropologists, geographers, environmental scientists, and human ecologists from all parts of the world in order to internationalize the conversations within environmental anthropology, environmental geography, and other environmentally oriented social sciences. The publication will appeal to academic, research, and policy-making audiences alike.


Environment and Society: Advances in Research is indexed/abstracted in:

  • Bibliometric Research Indicator List (BFI)
  • Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science)
  • CAB Abstracts (CABI Publishing)
  • Environmental Studies and Policy (Gale)
  • European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
  • Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers
  • Scopus (Elsevier)

Introducing: EnviroSociety, a multimedia site that provides insights into contemporary socio-ecological issues with posts from top scholars in the social sciences that engage readers interested in current environmental topics.

Founding Editors
Paige West, Columbia University, USA
Dan Brockington, University of Sheffield, UK

Amelia Moore, University of Rhode Island, USA
Jerry Jacka, University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Book Review Editors
Maron Greenleaf, Dartmouth College, USA
Matthew Abel, Southern Methodist University, USA

Managing Editor
Gregorio Ortiz, PhD

Blog Editor
Emily Hite, Saint Louis University, USA

Editorial Advisory Board
Vanessa Agard-Jones, Columbia University, USA
Monica Barra, University of South Carolina, USA
Dominic Boyer, Rice University, USA
James G. Carrier, Independent Scholar
Clint Carroll, University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Noel Castree, University of Manchester, UK
Lisa Cliggett, University of Kentucky, USA
Molly Doane, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Robert Fletcher, University of Florida, USA
Scott Freeman, American University, USA
Elizabeth Hoover, University of California, Berkeley USA
Jeff Kinch, National Fisheries College, Papua New Guinea
Hilda Lloréns, University of Rhode Island, USA
Laura Mentore, University of Mary Washington, USA
Sarah Milne, Australian National University, Australia
Marama Muru-Lanning, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Katja Neves, Concordia University, USA
Nicole Peterson, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA
Kimberly Tallbear, University of Alberta, Canada
Sarah Vaughn, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Jerry Zee, Princeton University, USA
Ariela Zycherman, United States Department of Agriculture, USA


Manuscript Submission

Please review the submission and style guide carefully before submitting.

Environment and Society: Advances in Research (ARES) is an annual review journal, publishing articles that have been commissioned in response to specific published calls. Its articles are meant to review substantial bodies of literature that have appeared in previous years. Contributions should contain substantial literature reviews, however, the strongest articles tend to include some original material.

All submitted articles should be original works and not concurrently under consideration by any other publication. Please send submissions of articles, reviews, and other contributions as Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format (rtf) files by e-mail to the editors at ares.journal@gmail.com.

Articles should be 8,000 to 10,000 words (including endnotes and references) and include a 150-word abstract and 6 to 8 keywords. The manuscript files should be formatted as US letter, with 1-inch margins, double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font for all text, and no extra spaces between paragraphs.

Have other questions? Please refer to the Berghahn Info for Authors page for general information and guidelines including topics such as article usage and permissions for Berghahn journal article authors.

License Agreement

As part of the Berghahn Open Anthro initiative, articles in Environment and Society: Advances in Research (ARES) are published open access under a Creative Commons license.

Authors must visit our License Options page to select and download their preferred license agreement. Completed and signed forms should be sent to copyright@berghahnjournals.com.

Ethics Statement

Authors published in Environment and Society: Advances in Research (ARES) certify that their works are original and their own. The editors certify that all materials, with the possible exception of editorial introductions, book reviews, and some types of commentary, have been subjected to blind peer review by qualified scholars in the field. While the publishers and the editorial board make every effort to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinions, or statements appear in this journal, they wish to make clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles herein are the sole responsibility of the contributor concerned. For a more detailed explanation concerning these qualifications and responsibilities, please see the complete ARES ethics statement.

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Volume 16/2025, 1 issue p.a. (autumn) 
ISSN 2150-6779 (Print) • ISSN 2150-6787 (Online)
(rates include handling & surface postage)

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Environment and Society is a part of the Berghahn Open Anthro subscribe-to-open initiative. Launched in 2020, BOA-S2O has successfully converted a collection of 16 anthropology journals to full Open Access using S2O as its equitable and sustainable model of choice.

Animals, Plants, People, and Things

A Review of Multispecies Ethnography

This article defines multispecies ethnography and links this scholarship to broader currents within academia, including in the biosciences, philosophy, political ecology, and animal welfare activism. The article is organized around a set of productive tensions identified in the review of the literature. It ends with a discussion of the “ethnographic” in multispecies ethnography, urging ethnographers to bring a “speculative wonder” to their mode of inquiry and writing.



Settler colonialism is a form of domination that violently disrupts human relationships with the environment. Settler colonialism is ecological domination, committing environmental injustice against Indigenous peoples and other groups. Focusing on the context of Indigenous peoples’ facing US domination, this article investigates philosophically one dimension of how settler colonialism commits environmental injustice. When examined ecologically, settler colonialism works strategically to undermine Indigenous peoples’ social resilience as self-determining collectives. To understand the relationships connecting settler colonialism, environmental injustice, and violence, the article first engages Anishinaabe intellectual traditions to describe an Indigenous conception of social resilience called collective continuance. One way in which settler colonial violence commits environmental injustice is through strategically undermining Indigenous collective continuance. At least two kinds of environmental injustices demonstrate such violence: vicious sedimentation and insidious loops. The article seeks to contribute to knowledge of how anti-Indigenous settler colonialism and environmental injustice are connected.

Neoliberalism and the Biophysical Environment

A Synthesis and Evaluation of the Research


This article both synthesizes and critically evaluates a now large, multi-disciplinary body of published research that examines the neoliberalization of environmental regulation, management, and governance. Since the late 1970s, neoliberal ideas and ideals have gradually made their way into the domain of environmental policy as part of a wider change in the global political economy. While the volume of empirical research is now such that we can draw some conclusions about this policy shift, the fact that the research has evolved piecemeal across so many different disciplines has made identifying points of similarity and difference in the findings more difficult. After clarifying what neoliberalism is and explaining why the term 'neoliberalization' is preferable, the article analyzes the principal components and enumerates the social and environmental effects of this multifaceted process. By offering a comprehensive and probing survey of the salient literature, I hope not only to codify the existing research but also to guide future critical inquiries into neoliberal environmental policy.

Adaptation--Genuine and Spurious

Demystifying Adaptation Processes in Relation to Climate Change

In climate change discourse and policy, adaptation has become a critical byword and frame of reference. An implicit assumption in much of the strategizing is the notion that adaptation can be rationally planned, funded, and governed largely through existing frameworks. But can adaptation really be managed or engineered, especially given the significant unpredictability and severe impacts that are forecast in a range of climate scenarios? Over millennia, successful societies have adapted to climate shifts, but evidence suggests that this was often accomplished only through wide-ranging reorganization or the institution of new measures in the face of extreme environmental stress. This essay critically examines the concept of human adaptation by dividing it into eight fundamental processes and viewing each in a broad cultural, ecological, and evolutionary context. We focus our assessment especially on northern indigenous peoples, who exist at the edges of present-day climate governance frameworks but at the center of increasingly acute climate stress.

This article draws on directed ethnographic research and a review of literature to explore how the commodification of fishing rights discursively and materially remakes human-marine relationships across diverse regions. It traces the history of dominant economic theories that promote the privatization of fishing access for maximizing potential pro ts. It describes more recent discursive trends that link the ecological health of the world's oceans and their fisheries to widespread privatization. Together, these economic and environmental discourses have enrolled a broad set of increasingly vocal and powerful privatization proponents. The article provides specific examples of how nature-society relationships among people, oceans, and sh are remade as privatization policies take root in fishery systems. We conclude with an overview of several strategies of resistance. Across the world there is evidence of alternative discourses, economic logics, and cultures of fishing resistant to privatization processes, the assumptions that underlie them, and the social transitions they often generate.