This article draws on the author’s memories of his youthful involvement with European Judaism, having been invited by Rabbis Michael Goulston and Albert Friedlander to join the editorial board in 1970. The formulaic technique involving the phrase ‘I remember’, also used in the author’s first memoir, The Arithmetic of Memory, is derived from a book by the French writer Georges Perec, who in turn was inspired by the American poet Joe Brainard. Unfamiliar names mentioned in the text are easily found online, should readers want to explore further. Among the topics discussed are memorable trips to Paris and Italy. Significant individuals who feature in the article include Rabbi Lionel Blue, Emmanuel Levinas, George Steiner, George Oppen, Edmond Jabès and Jon Silkin.
Anthony Rudolf is a writer, translator, critic and publisher. He was literary editor of European Judaism for two years and editor for three years (1970–1975).