What strategies are used to legitimize and enhance the popularity of the Reform marriage ceremony among Israeli Jews? Using a mixed-method grounded-theory technique, this study stresses that the strategies used to legitimize and enhance the popularity of the Reform marriage ceremony among Israeli Jews take place in two parallel realms: the organizational and the individual. At the organizational level, the Israel Reform Movement invests resources into institutionalizing the Reform marriage ceremony in Israel, using the judicial and the political strata to accomplish this goal. At the same time, at the individual level, Reform rabbis operate as street-level policy entrepreneurs by enhancing the visibility of the Reform marriage ceremony among Israeli Jews by advertising themselves and conducting as many ceremonies as possible.
DR. NIVA GOLAN-NADIR is a research associate at the Center for Policy Research, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy at The University at Albany, SUNY, and a research fellow at the Institute for Liberty and Responsibility, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy at Reichman University. Her main research interests are within the realm of comparative politics, state religion relations and Public Administration. Her recent book, Public Preferences and Institutional Designs: Israel and Turkey Compared (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022), has been awarded ‘final list and honorary mention’ by the Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies and Concordia University Library. E-mail: niva.golan@post.runi.ac.il