Spermarche (first penile ejaculation) is a physiological event that many boys experience as part of the onset of puberty. However, there is little qualitative research on how they themselves experience and interpret it. Based on interviews with 26 Taiwanese men, experiences of spermarche occurred due to: (1) sexual behavior; (2) nocturnal emission; (3) naïve self-exploration; and (4) masturbation were identified and examined. Findings reveal that ejaculation was experienced as a complex and dynamic process with diverse emotions which were entangled. In addition, it was understood not just as a biological phenomenon, but there are broader social, cultural and medical discourses that shape how these men feel and reflect on their first ejaculation experience. In the end, the contribution of this study to the research field of spermarche is suggested.
Herng-Dar Bih received a PhD in environmental psychology from the Graduate Center at the City University of New York in 1992. He currently works as a professor at Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University. His research interests include gender and space, men's studies, graffiti, and street art. Email: hdbih@ntu.edu.tw ORCID ID: