Migration and Society

Advances in Research

Mette Louise Berg, University College London
Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, University College London
Tatiana Thieme, University College London

Creative Encounters Editor
Yousif Qasmiyeh, University of Oxford

Book Reviews Editors
Nassim Majidi, Samuel Hall
Olivia Sheringham, Birkbeck University of London

Editorial Assistant
Hend Aly, University College London

Call for Special Section Proposals

Latest Issue Table of Contents

Volume 7 (2024): Issue 1 (Jun 2024)

Volume 7 / 2024, 1 issue per volume (winter)

Aims & Scope

Migration is at the heart of the transformation of societies and communities and touches the lives of people across the globe. Migration and Society is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal advancing debate about emergent trends in all types of migration. We invite work that situates migration in a wider historical and societal context, including attention to experiences and representations of migration, critical theoretical perspectives on migration, and the social, cultural, and legal embeddedness of migration. Global in its scope, we particularly encourage scholarship from and about the global South as well as the North.

Migration and Society addresses both dynamics and drivers of migration; processes of settlement and integration; and transnational practices and diaspora formation. We publish theoretically informed and empirically based articles of the highest quality, especially encouraging work that interrogates and transcends the boundaries between the social sciences and the arts and humanities.

We also welcome articles that reflect on the complexities of both studying and teaching migration, as well as pieces that focus on the relationship between scholarship and the policies and politics of migration.


Migration and Society is indexed/abstracted in:

  • European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
  • Scopus (Elsevier)
  • ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes)

Mette Louise Berg, University College London, UK
Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, University College London, UK
Tatiana Thieme, University College London, UK

Book Reviews Editors
Nassim Majidi, Sciences Po, Paris, France
Olivia Sheringham, Birkbeck, University of London, UK

Creative Encounters Editor
Yousif M. Qasmiyeh, Oxford University, UK

Editorial Assistant
Hend Aly, University College London, UK

Editorial Board
Bridget Anderson, University of Bristol, UK
Elleke Boehmer, University of Oxford, UK
Josh DeWind, Social Science Research Council, New York, USA
Thomas Hylland Eriksen, University of Oslo, Norway
Don Flynn, Migrants’ Rights Network, London, UK
Nancy Foner, CUNY, New York, USA
Izabela Grabowska, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities and University of Warsaw, Poland
Sari Hanafi, American University, Beirut, Lebanon
Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo, University of Southern California, USA
Ahmet Icduygu, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey
Peggy Levitt, Wellesley College and Harvard University, USA
Stephen C. Lubkemann, George Washington University, USA
Takyiwaa Manuh, UN Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Hélène Neveu Kringelbach, University College London, UK
Ewa Morawska, University of Essex, UK
Magdalena Nowicka, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
Karen Fog Olwig, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Laura Oso, University of A Coruña, Spain
Ann Phoenix, University College London, UK
Madeleine Reeves, University of Manchester, UK
Lyndsey Stonebridge, University of Birmingham, UK
Nick Van Hear, University of Oxford, UK
Steve Vertovec, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen, Germany
Darshan Vigneswaran, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Amanda Wise, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Brenda Yeoh, National University of Singapore

Manuscript Submission

Due to a high number of submissions, Migration and Society is currently NOT accepting new stand-alone research article submissions. We continue to accept submissions for our Reflections, People and Places, Creative Encounters, and Book Reviews sections. We are dealing with research articles that have already been submitted and authors will be notified of the status of their article as soon as possible. 

Please review the submission and style guide carefully before submitting.

Please submit articles, reviews, and other contributions as Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format (rtf) files through the online submissions system at http://ojs3.berghahnjournals.com/index.php/air-ms/login.

Authors must register with the journal on the submission website prior to submitting, or, if already registered, they can simply log in. On registering as an Author, authors have the option of also registering as a Reviewer (to be called upon to undertake peer reviews of other submissions).

The editors reserve the right to reject submissions that are not suitable for publication in the journal, these include e.g., literature reviews, evaluations and policy reports, and articles based on Masters theses. Articles that pass through an initial screening are subject to a rigorous double blind peer review process and submission is no guarantee of publication. We encourage authors to ensure their submissions are ready for peer review. To this end, please:

  • Carefully edit your submission;
  • Ensure you have formatted the piece correctly, following the submission and style guide;
  • Respect the relevant word lengths, as stated below. Articles that are over length at submission will be returned to the author(s); we do not send articles that are over length for peer review;
  • Anonymize your submission and submit a cover sheet with your bio, keywords, and an abstract in a separate file;

Submissions are welcome for consideration in one of the five key journal sections:

  • Research Articles (maximum 8,000 words): We publish theoretically informed and empirically based articles of the highest quality, especially encouraging work that interrogates and transcends the boundaries between the social sciences and the arts and humanities. We do not publish literature reviews or policy reports;
  • People & Places consists of shorter pieces (2,000 to 4,000 words), including notes from the field, “migrant voices,” and interviews with scholars, practitioners, and policymakers;
  • Reflections invites critical reflections (maximum 5,000 words) on migration research and teaching;
  • Creative Encounters includes poetry, photo essays and other creative representations of migration;
  • Book Reviews (800 words for single book reviews, 1,300 to 1,4000 words for two books, 1,500 to 1,600 words for three books) conclude each issue. Please note: All quotations from the book/ volume have to be followed by exact page numbers.

View the guidelines for Special Section proposals.

NB: Word counts are inclusive of footnotes, endnotes, and references.

Migration and Society is committed to inclusive citation and scholarly practice. We encourage our contributors to ensure they reference and engage with the work of female, black, and minority ethnic writers, and work by other under-represented groups.

Have other questions? Please refer to the Berghahn Info for Authors page for general information and guidelines including topics such as article usage and permissions for Berghahn journal article authors.

Any inquiries should be sent to the editors at migration@berghahnjournals.com.

License Agreement

As part of the Berghahn Open Anthro initiative, articles in Migration and Society: Advances in Research (ARMS) are published open access under a Creative Commons license.

Authors must visit our License Options page to select and download their preferred license agreement. Completed and signed forms should be sent to copyright@berghahnjournals.com.

Ethics Statement

Authors published in Migration and Society: Advances in Research (ARMS) certify that their works are original and their own. The editors certify that all materials, with the possible exception of editorial introductions, book reviews, and some types of commentary, have been subjected to blind peer review by qualified scholars in the field. While the publishers and the editorial board make every effort to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinions, or statements appear in this journal, they wish to make clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles herein are the sole responsibility of the contributor(s) concerned. For a more detailed explanation concerning these qualifications and responsibilities, please see the complete ARMS ethics statement.

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Volume 8/2025, 1 issue p.a. (summer)
ISSN 2574-1306 (Print) • ISSN 2574-1314 (Online)
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Recentering the South in Studies of Migration


It has become increasingly mainstream to argue that redressing the Eurocentrism of migration studies requires a commitment to decentering global North knowledge. However, it is less clear whether this necessarily means “recentering the South.” Against this backdrop, this introduction starts by highlighting diverse ways that scholars, including the contributors to this special issue, have sought to redress Eurocentrism in migration studies: (1) examining the applicability of classical concepts and frameworks in the South; (2) filling blind spots by studying migration in the South and South-South migration; and (3) engaging critically with the geopolitics of knowledge production. The remainder of the introduction examines questions on decentering and recentering, different ways of conceptualizing the South, and—as a pressing concern with regard to knowledge production —the politics of citation. In so doing, the introduction critically delineates the contours of these debates, provides a frame for this volume, and sets out a number of key thematic and editorial priorities for Migration and Society moving forward.

Sanctuary City Organizing in Canada

From Hospitality to Solidarity


In recent years, migrant justice organizers in Canada have developed campaigns aimed at building, legislating, and enforcing municipal commitments to alleviating and resisting the harms done by federal immigration enforcement, and ensuring migrant access to municipal services. As a result of these efforts, some cities, including Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and Hamilton, have declared themselves “sanctuary cities,” and campaigns centered around this concept have emerged in other localities across the country. In this article, the authors—who are themselves involved in sanctuary city organizing—reflect on the concept, and offer a critical assessment of these organizing efforts. We provide a brief history of these campaigns in Canada, discuss the impact of these policies in cities where they have been adopted, reflect on the types of politics that inform notions of sanctuary, hospitality, solidarity, and resistance, and offer some lessons for moving forward.

“Windrush Generation” and “Hostile Environment”

Symbols and Lived Experiences in Caribbean Migration to the UK


The Windrush scandal belongs to a much longer arc of Caribbean-British transmigration, forced and free. The genesis of the scandal can be found in the post–World War II period, when Caribbean migration was at first strongly encouraged and then increasingly harshly constrained. This reflection traces the effects of these changes as they were experienced in the lives of individuals and families. In the Caribbean this recent scandal is understood as extending the longer history of colonial relations between Britain and the Caribbean and as a further reason to demand reparations for slavery. Experiences of the Windrush generation recall the limbo dance of the middle passage; the dancer moves under a bar that is gradually lowered until a mere slit remains.

Introduction to the Issue

Encountering Hospitality and Hostility


This introductory article to the inaugural issue of Migration and Society reflects on the complex and often contradictory nature of migration encounters by focusing on diverse dynamics of hospitality and hostility towards migrants around the world and in different historical contexts. Discourses, practices, and policies of hospitality and hostility towards migrants and refugees raise urgent moral, ethical, political, and social questions. Hospitality and hostility are interlinked, yet seemingly contradictory concepts and processes, as also acknowledged by earlier writers, including Derrida, who coined the term hostipitality. Drawing on Fiddian-Qasmiyeh’s work and on feminist scholars of care, we argue for the need to trace alternative modes of thought and action that transcend and resist the fatalistic invocations of hostipitality. This requires an unpacking of the categories of host and guest, taking us from universalizing claims and the taxonomy of host-guest relations to the messiness of everyday life and its potential for care, generosity, and recognition in encounters.


This article analyzes coverage of separated child migrants in three British tabloids between the introduction of the Dubs Amendment, which committed to relocating unaccompanied minors to the UK, and the demolition of the unofficial refugee camp in Calais. This camp has been a key symbol of Europe’s “migration crisis” and the subject of significant media attention in which unaccompanied children feature prominently. By considering the changes in tabloid coverage over this time period, this article highlights the increasing contestation of the authenticity of separated children as they began arriving in the UK under Dubs, concurrent with representations of “genuine” child migrants as innocent and vulnerable. We argue that attention to proximity can help account for changing discourses and that the media can simultaneously sustain contradictory views by preserving an essentialized view of “the child,” grounded in racialized, Eurocentric, and advanced capitalist norms. Together, these points raise questions about the political consequences of framing hospitality in the name of “the child.”