Regions and Cohesion

Regiones y Cohesión / Régions et Cohésion

Harlan Koff, Université du Luxembourg
Carmen Maganda, INECOL

Subjects: Politics, Sociology, Anthropology, Environmental Studies, Regional Studies, Social Sciences


Regions & Cohesion / Regiones y Cohesión / Régions et Cohésion
Volume 14, Issue 1
Table of Contents

Editor's Note

Some food for thought: Can we simultaneously balance food systems and diets?

Redes alimentarias alternativas en procesos de transición y escalamiento de las agroecologías
Anabell Rosas-Domínguez, María de los Ángeles Piñar-Álvarez, Miguel Ángel Escalona-Aguilar, Ofelia Andrea Valdés-Rodríguez

Fast food spatial clustering and childhood obesity in Monterrey, Mexico
Francisco Manuel Gasca-Sanchez, Idalia Aracely Cura-Esquivel, Eduardo Mares, Fernando Montes-Tapia, Erick Garza

Mercados y tianguis como oasis alimentarios frente al comercio corporativo y sus repercusiones en la salud
Mayra Karina Solis López, María de Lourdes Flores López, Martín Neri-Suárez

World Family Portrait
Women: Bridging vanilla and other biocultural elements of the Totonacapan region
Juana Victoria Pérez Vázquez

Los paisajes apícolas de la Costa Chica deGuerrero, México
José Luis Cámara-Romero

Manejo poscosecha del plátano macho en Tenexpa, Guerrero, México
Alejo Javier Lungo Rodríguez

Volume 14 / 2024, 3 issues per volume (spring, summer, winter)

Aims & Scope

Regions & Cohesion is the journal of the Consortium for Comparative Research on Regional Integration and Social Cohesion-Social Elevation (RISC-RISE), a cross-regional, interdisciplinary, and multilingual network of socially conscious and prestigious research institutes in Europe, North America, South America, Africa, and Asia.

The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles on the human and environmental impacts of regional integration processes. It disseminates conceptual and empirical research (articles) and normative analysis (Leadership Forum) of topics related to human and environmental security, social cohesion, and governance.

The journal facilitates a cross-regional intellectual dialogue on timely political, social and environmental issues from a regional perspective and is especially committed to publishing scholarship from emerging/transition countries and developing states. Its multilingual (English, Spanish and French) and interdisciplinary character contribute to the journal’s originality in providing an inclusive forum for scholars and practitioners in different world regions to engage in important international discussions related to sustainable human development. This dialogue reflects RISC’s mission of connecting scholars and practitioners from different world regions who otherwise would not have the opportunity to interact.

RECO, Regiones y Cohesión es la revista científica del Consorcio de investigación comparativa en integración regional y cohesión social-elevación social (RISC-RISE), una red transcontinental, interdisciplinaria, y multilingüe de prestigiosos institutos de investigación con conciencia social, ubicados en Europa, Norteamérica, Sudamérica y África.

Debido a las profundas transformaciones globales relacionadas con los procesos de integración regional, no resulta pertinente continuar limitando los estudios sociales al análisis de competitividad económica o poder político en la geopolítica global. Regiones y Cohesión es así una plataforma para académicos y expertos que desean diseminar investigación empírica y análisis normativos sobre temas vinculados a la seguridad humana y medioambiental, la cohesión social y la gobernanza. Esta revista abarca, entre otros temas, el manejo de recursos estratégicos, el medio ambiente y la sociedad, el riesgo social y la marginalización, la construcción social de los desastres y las respuestas de políticas públicas, la violencia, la guerra y la seguridad urbana, la calidad de la democracia, el desarrollo, la salud pública, la inmigración, los derechos humanos, la delincuencia organizada y la seguridad humana en contexto de fronteras.

Interdisciplinaria y multilingüe (inglés, francés, español), esta revista busca promover el análisis comparativo sobre el impacto humano y medioambiental de los proyectos de integración regional en diferentes áreas geográficas, periodos históricos y políticas públicas. 

RECO, Régions et Cohésion est la revue scientifique du Consortium pour la recherche comparative sur l'intégration régionale et la cohésion sociale-élévation sociale (RIS-RISE), un réseau transrégional, interdisciplinaire, et multilingue d’instituts de recherche prestigieux et de sensibilité sociale en Europe, Amérique du Nord, Amérique du Sud et Afrique.

En raison des transformations spectaculaires touchant à l'intégration régionale, les études ne peuvent plus se cantonner à l'analyse de la compétitivité économique ou au pouvoir politique dans la géopolitique globale. RECORégions et Cohésion est une plateforme nécessaire pour les universitaires et les acteurs de terrain désirant mobiliser à la fois la recherche empirique et l'analyse normative des thématiques portant sur la sécurité humaine et environnementale, la cohésion sociale et la gouvernance. Dans cette optique, ce nouveau média vise à aborder un ensemble de thèmes tels que la gestion des ressources stratégiques, l'environnement et la société, le risque social et la marginalisation, les désastres et les réponses publiques, la violence, la guerre et la sécurité urbaine, la qualité de la démocratie, le développement, la santé publique, l’immigration, les droits de l'homme, le crime organisé et la sécurité humaine frontalière.

Interdisciplinaire et trilingue (anglais, français, espagnol), d’ambition comparative, le journal a pour objectif l’étude des conséquences humaines et environnementales des projets d’intégration régionale à travers une diversité de zones géographiques, de périodes de temps et d’arènes politiques.

Open Access

Regions & Cohesion is published as an Open Access journal as of 2021.


Regions and Cohesion is indexed/abstracted in:

  • Scopus (Elsevier)
  • JStor Sustainability Collection
  • Conricyt
  • European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
  • Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers
  • SCIMAGO: Q1 in Political Science and International Relations and Q2 in Geography, Planning and Development

Harlan Koff, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Carmen Maganda, INECOL, Mexico

Editorial Manager
Citlalli Alhelí González H., INECOL, Mexico / RISC-RISE Fellow 

Associate Editors
Edith Kauffer, CIESAS-Sureste, Mexico
Philippe De Lombaerde, NEOMA Business School, Belgium
Jeroen Warner, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

Editorial Board
Sophie Ávila Foucat, UNAM, Mexico
Kate A. Berry, University of Nevada, Reno, USA
Sarah Brooks, Ohio State University, USA
Geoffrey Caruso, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Franz Clément, CEPS/INSTEAD, Luxembourg
Gilberto Conde Zambada, COLMEX, Mexico
Conchita D’Ambrosio, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Han Dorussen, University of Essex, UK
Robert Dover , Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
Miguel Equihua Zamora, INECOL, Mexico
Hugo Fazio Vengoa, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Virginia García Acosta, CIESAS, Mexico
Deon Geldenhuys, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Humberto Gonzalez Chavez, CIESAS, Mexico
Norbert Götz, Södertörn University, Sweden
Suzanne Graham, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Victoria Graham, Monash South Africa, South Africa
Florence Jany Catrice, Université de Lille 1, France
Kathleen E. Halvorsen, Michigan Technological University, USA
Khuat Thu Hong, Institute for Social Development Studies, Vietnam
Claire Mainguy, BETA/Université de Strasbourg, France
Lucile Medina, Université Montpellier 3, France
Stephen P. Mumme, Colorado State University, USA
Anja Nygren, University of Helsinki, Finland
Raul Pacheco-Vega, CIDE, Mexico
Octavio Pérez-Maqueo, INECOL, Mexico
María de los Ángeles Piñar Álvarez, COLVER, Mexico
Claudia Puerta Silva, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
Jacobo Ramirez, Copenhagen Business School, Mexico
Dora Elia Ramos Muñoz, ECOSUR, Mexico
Djénéba Traoré, West Africa Institute, Cape Verde
Takeyuki Tsuda, Arizona State University, USA
Juan Carlos Vélez Rendón, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
Casey Walsh, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Lucila Zárraga Cano, Universidad del Caribe, Mexico

Manuscript Submission

The editors welcome contributions in English, Spanish, or French. Please submit articles, reviews, and other contributions as Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format (rtf) files through the online submissions system at

Authors must register with the journal on the submission website prior to submitting, or, if already registered, they can simply log in. On registering as an Author, authors have the option of also registering as a Reviewer (to be called upon to undertake peer reviews of other submissions).

Before submitting articles to Regions & Cohesion, authors should read the Editor's Detailed Advice and Style Guide. All submissions that do not follow the journal’s style guide will be returned to the corresponding author for formatting before they can be considered for publication.

Regions & Cohesion publishes contributions to two sections of the journal. Academic Articles are published on subjects that are relevant to the journals aims & scope. Authors should target approximately 8,000 words for academic submissions although the journal considers texts up to 10,000 words when appropriate. Articles should include: an explicitly stated research question to which the article responds (not a vaguely expressed objective), a literature review that positions the article amongst existing scholarship, a detailed research design and methodology section, presentation of empirical/conceptual discussions and a conclusion that highlights the article’s argumentation and originality. Internal and external reviews will focus on the inclusion of these elements.

The Leadership Forum section includes normative analyses from practitioners and academics that take positions on timely issues that are relevant to the journal’s readers whether they be local, national or global in nature. These articles should be approximately 5,000 words in length. Regions & Cohesion also publishes Letters to Leaders in which contributions are framed as letters to specific political leaders on topics that fall under their mandate.

General Guidelines

Please review the submission and style guidelines carefully before submitting.

Articles should be submitted by e-mail as word attachments, formatted as Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format files. Submissions should be 6,000 to 8,000 words (including endnotes and references) and include an abstract of not more than 125 words and 5 to 8 keywords.

The journal's style guide is available in PDF format: Regions & Cohesion Style Guide. This includes submission requirements of artwork (illustrations, maps, tables, and figures). The guide is based on APA 6th edition (, and uses US punctuation and spelling.

Ethics Statement

Authors published in Regions & Cohesion certify that their works are original and their own. The editors certify that all materials, with the possible exception of editorial introductions, book reviews, and some types of commentary, have been subjected to double-blind peer review by qualified scholars in the field. While the publishers and the editorial board make every effort to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinions, or statements appear in this journal, they wish to make clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles herein are the sole responsibility of the contributor concerned. For a more detailed explanation concerning these qualifications and responsibilities, please see the complete Regions & Cohesion ethics statement.

Special Issues

Regions & Cohesion publishes one Special Issue per year. It is selected through an annual Call for Special Issue Proposals.

Our current call is for proposals to be submitted to the Editor at The shortlisting of proposals will be conducted in consultation with the journal's new Editorial Board. The guest editors of shortlisted proposals will then be invited to submit the complete manuscript of the Special Issue in 2019. The manuscripts will then go to peer review.

Special Issue proposals should be up to 2,000 words and include (a) a brief description of the theme and focus, including an explanation of the rationale for its selection of articles; (b) an account of its contribution to the existing literature; (c) an explanation of how the Special Issue addresses the journal's Aims and Scope and explanation for why the subject of the special issue is a timely matter; (d) a preliminary table of contents including proposed article titles and authors, (e) an indication of the state of the manuscript at the time of proposal (e.g., whether drafts of the articles are already available, whether the introduction has been written, whether an afterword is pending).

Please note that Special Issues can have a total word count of no more than 66,000 words (including endnotes and references). So, including the introduction, this would typically include 8 articles of up to 8,000 words each, or 9 to 10 substantially shorter articles.

Manuscript Review

Regions & Cohesion pursues the most constructive submission possible. We aim to minimize rejections through a submission process in which authors are encouraged to refine and develop their ideas. The journal’s editors and editorial committee provide authors with constructive comments so they may revise their manuscripts and be in the best position possible to pass peer-review and achieve publication. This dialogue with authors in an important characteristic of the journal’s inclusive nature and constructive mandate.

All scientific manuscripts go through a three stage review. The journal’s editorial committee reviews all submissions internally in order to ensure that they are relevant to the journal’s aims & scope and they meet the basic criteria for publication as listed above. Should questions arise about the mansucript’s quality or clarity, the editorial committee returns it to authors with detailed comments so that the work can be re-submitted with a better chance to pass peer-review.

Once the editorial committee approves an article, it is sent to external double-blind peer review where international experts evaluate the relevance and quality of the submission. When an article is accepted for publication following external peer-review, authors are then required to make the revisions suggested by reviewers. Once revisions are complete, the revised manuscript is reviewed again by the editorial committee to ensure that all comments have been properly addressed. Once the article has been approved by the editorial committee, it is forwarded to production. When revisions are incomplete, the editorial committee returns the article to authors with specific requests.

Contributions submitted for the leadership forum are reviewed internally by the editorial committee. A member of the committee is assigned to the manuscript and s/he works with the author on the revisions of the article.  


Presentación de manuscritos

Por favor revise las pautas de presentación y estilo de atención antes de enviar.

Los autores deberán enviar sus artículos por correo electrónico como documentos adjuntos en formato Microsoft Word o Rich Text Format (RTF), así como cualquier pregunta o interés en revisar libros, a

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Declaración de Ética

Los autores publicados en Regions & Cohesion (RECO) certifican que sus obras son originales y propias. Los editores certifican que todos los materiales, con la posible excepción de introducciones editoriales, reseñas de libros, y algunos tipos de comentarios, han sido sometidos a revisión de pares por parte de expertos calificados en el campo. Mientras que los editores y el consejo editorial hacen todo lo posible para que no aparezcan datos inexactos o engañosos, opiniones o declaraciones en esta revista, desean dejar claro que los datos y opiniones que aparecen en los artículos son responsabilidad exclusiva del contribuyente preocupado. Para una explicación más detallada acerca de estas cualificaciones y responsabilidades, consulte la declaración de ética completa de Regions & Cohesion.


Soumission des articles

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Déclaration d'éthique

Les auteurs publiés dans Regions & Cohesion certifient que leurs œuvres sont originales et les leurs. Les éditeurs certifient que tous les matériaux, à l'exception éventuelle des introductions rédactionnelles, des revues de livres et des types de commentaires, ont fait l'objet d'un examen par les pairs en double aveugle par des chercheurs qualifiés sur le terrain. Alors que les éditeurs et le comité de rédaction font tout leur possible pour voir qu'aucune donnée inexacte ou trompeuse, des opinions ou des déclarations n'apparaissent dans cette revue, ils souhaitent préciser que les données et les opinions figurant dans les articles sont la responsabilité exclusive du contributeur concerné. Pour une explication plus détaillée concernant ces qualifications et responsabilités, veuillez consulter la déclaration complète sur l'éthique des Regions & Cohesion.

Annual Subscriptions

Volume 15/2025, 3 issues p.a. (spring, summer, winter)
ISSN 2152-906X (Print) · ISSN 2152-9078 (Online)
(rates include handling & surface postage)

Open Access, Print and Archive Pricing

Regions and Cohesion is open access starting with Volume 11. Please contact Berghahn for print-only and archive pricing.

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Regions & Cohesion is published as an Open Access journal as of 2021. 

Policy coherence for development and migration

Analyzing US and EU policies through the lens of normative transformation



The European Union’s (EU) 2015–2016 “migration/asylum crisis” gave discussions over the relationships between migration, security and development renewed prominence in global affairs. In response to record migratory flows, the EU, like the United States (US), has implemented security responses to migration aimed at protecting territorial integrity. This article addresses the migration–security–development nexus through the lens of policy coherence for development (PCD). It compares EU and US migration policies within the framework of the “transformative development” associated with the Sustainable Development Goals. It contends that these donors have undermined transformative development through the regionalization of development aid, which has contributed to the securitization of both development and migration policies. Thus, the article contends that new mechanisms for change need to be identified. It introduces the notion of “normative coherence” and proposes a potential role for regional human rights courts in fostering migration-related PCD.

Complex stratification

Understanding European Union governance of migrant rights

Author: and

English abstract: This article examines how the EU regulates the rights of migrants as a matter of regional-level governance, and with what implications. To expose the differential logics behind the governance of migrant statuses by the EU, we compare the regulation of 12 legal categories of migrants, across three dimensions of rights: civil, economic, and social. We find that while asylum seekers are unequivocally subject to the most conditional regulation of rights, at the other end of the hierarchy, EU citizens' rights are subject to caveats and ambiguity. The allocation of diverse statuses to migrants privileges different kinds of rights for different categories of migrants, and does not construct clear hierarchies of rights or statuses. This complex stratification of migrant rights highlights the important role of EU-level regulation in generating a migrant rights regime, with substantive implications for migrants entering and living in the European Union.

Spanish abstract: Este artículo examina cómo la Unión Europea (EU) regula los derechos de los migrantes como una cuestión de gobernanza a nivel regional, y sus consecuencias. Para exponer las lógicas diferenciales detrás de la gobernabilidad de los estatus migratorios de la UE, los autores comparan la regulación de doce categorías legales de migrantes, a través de tres dimensiones de derechos: civiles, económicos y sociales. Un notable hallazgo es que mientras los solicitantes de asilo son inequívocamente sujetos a la regulación más condicional de sus derechos, en el otro extremo de la jerarquía, el estatus de los derechos de los ciudadanos de la UE está supeditado a advertencias y ambigüedad. Para otras categorías de migrantes reguladas por la UE no se observaron jerarquías claras en ninguna de las dimensiones de los derechos, y la asignación de diversos estatutos a los inmigrantes es tal que instituye una compleja estratificación que privilegia diferentes tipos de derechos para las diferentes categorías de migrantes. La emergente estratificación compleja de los derechos de los migrantes en la gobernanza europea, tiene implicaciones más amplias para los derechos de los migrantes dada su articulación con la normatividad coexistente de los Estados miembros.

French abstract: Cet article examine comment l'UE réglemente les droits des migrants à l'échelle régionale et ce que cela implique. Afin d'exposer les logiques différentielles qui se situent derrière la gouvernance des statuts des migrants par l'UE, nous souhaitons ici comparer la réglementation de douze catégories légales de migrants, à travers trois dimensions des droits de l'homme: civils, économiques et sociaux. Nous constatons que les demandeurs d'asile sont sans conteste soumis à la réglementation la plus conditionnelle des droits l'homme tandis que, de l'autre côté de l'échelle, les droits de l'homme des citoyens de l'UE font l'objet de circonspection et d'ambiguïté. Pour ce qui est des autres catégories de migrants réglementées par l'UE, on n'observe de hiérarchies précises dans aucune des dimensions des droits de l'homme et la répartition des divers statuts de migrants représente une stratification complexe dans laquelle sont privilégiés les différents types de droits pour les différentes catégories de migrants. Cette stratification complexe des droits des migrants souligne le rôle important que joue la gouvernance de l'Union européenne dans la conception d'un régime des droits des migrants et les implications significatives qu'elle a sur les migrants qui entrent et vivent dans l'Union Européenne.



The European Union (EU) is often understood as a normative power. However, based on a case study of European policy networks in Vietnam, this article shows that despite the EU's commitment to norms and transformative development, norms are not a priority in the implementation of development policies. Rather, norm promotion is delegated to political and diplomatic representatives, whereas development and trade representatives are responsible for technical work. Consequently, policy networks created around these four sectors tend to operate separately from each other, undermining the spillover of norms from diplomatic and political networks to development and trade networks. As a result, this article shows that the structural–institutional separation of sectoral policy networks is one of the EU's systemic characteristics that restrict normative policy coherence for development.


La Unión Europea (UE) es considerada un poder normativo, comprometida con las normas y el desarrollo transformativo. En cambio, usando un caso de estudio de redes europeas políticas en Vietnam, este artículo demuestra que las normas no son prioridad en la implementación de políticas de desarrollo. Al contrario, la promoción de normas se delega a representantes políticos y diplomáticos, mientras que los representantes del desarrollo y comercio se hacen cargo del trabajo técnico. Consecuentemente las redes políticas de estos cuatro sectores tienden a aislarse, dificultando la transferencia de las normas de redes políticas y diplomáticas a redes de desarrollo y comercio. El resultado demuestra que la separación estructuro–institucional de las redes políticas sectoriales es una de las características sistémicas de la UE que restringen la coherencia normativa de políticas para el desarrollo.


L'Union européenne est souvent considérée comme une puissance normative. Cependant, sur la base d'une étude de cas de réseaux de politiques publiques au Vietnam, cet article montre que, malgré son engagement normatif et de développement réformateur, les normes ne sont pas une priorité dans la mise en œuvre des politiques de développement. Au contraire, leur promotion est déléguée aux représentants politiques et diplomatiques, tandis que les représentants du développement et du commerce sont responsables des travaux techniques. Par conséquent, les réseaux politiques créés autour de ces quatre secteurs ont tendance à fonctionner séparément les uns des autres, ce qui compromet le transfert des normes des réseaux diplomatiques et politiques aux réseaux de développement et du commerce. Ainsi, cet article montre que la séparation structuro-institutionnelle des réseaux sectoriels de politiques publiques est l'une des caractéristiques systémiques de l'UE qui restreint leur cohérence normative en matière de développement.


Kapuscinski Development Lecture/Keynote Address of the 2014 Conference of the Consortium for Comparative Research on Regional Integration and Social Cohesion (RISC) University of Helsinki, Finland, 29 October 2014.

“Post-2015” is the “flavor of the day”; it is currently right in the center of the development discourse. The United Nations, governments, civil society organizations, researchers, and even business people are currently discussing what will come aft er the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). As you all know, the reference period for the MDGs will expire in 2015, and this is the reason why the world community is now engaged in the task of formulating an agenda for the following period. But this Post-2015 Agenda can and must be much more than just an updated list of MDGs.