Book Reviewed in this article: Allen, Catherine J. 2002. The hold life has. Coca and cultural identity in an Andean Community (2nd edition). Bossen, Laurel. 2002. Chinese women and rural development. Sixty years of change in Lu Village, Yunnan. Cesari, Jocelyne (ed.). 2002. La Méditerranée des réseaux. Marchands, entrepreneurs et migrants entre l'Europe et le Maghreb. Peraldi, Michel (ed.). 2001. Cabas et containers. Activités marchandes informelles et réseaux migrants transfrontaliers. Peraldi, Michel (ed.). 2002. La fin des Norias. Réseaux migrants dans les économies comerçantes en Méditerranée. Coleman, Simon, and John Eade (eds.). 2004. Reframing pilgrimage. Cultures in motion. Collins, Jane L. 2003. Threads. Gender, labor and power in the global apparel industry. Fowler, Chris. 2004. The archaeology of personhood. An anthropological approach. Graeber, David. 2004. Fragments of an anarchist anthropology. Grimshaw, Anna and Amanda Ravetz (eds.). 2005. Visualizing anthropology. Hannerz, Ulf. 2004. Soulside. Inquiries into ghetto culture and community. Hayden, Cori. 2003. When nature goes public. The making and unmaking of bioprospecting in Mexico. Kerns, Virginia. 2003. Scenes from the high desert. Julian Steward's life and theory. Mythen, Gabe. 2004. Ulrich Beck. A critical introduction to the risk society. Parker, John, Leonard Mars, Paul Ransome and Hilary Stanworth. 2003. Social theory. A basic tool kit. Parnell, Philip C. and Stephanie C. Kane (eds.). 2003. Crime's power. Anthropologists and the ethnography of crime. Pink, Sarah, László Kürti and Ana Isabel Afonso (eds.). 2004. Working images. Visual research and representation in ethnography. Richards, Audrey I. 2004. Hunger and work in a savage tribe. A functional study of nutrition among the southern Bantu. Robben, Antonius C. G. M. (ed.). 2004. Death, mourning and burial. A cross‐cultural reader. Saeed, Fouzia. 2001. Taboo! The hidden culture of a red light area. Taschwer, Klaus and Benedikt Föger. 2003. Konrad Lorenz. Vale de Almedia, Miguel. 2004. An earth‐Colored sea. ‘Race’, culture and the politics of identify in the post‐colonial Portuguese‐speaking world.

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