Provisions for remoteness

Cutting connections and forging ties in the Tajik Pamirs

in Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale
Martin Saxer LMU Munich

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How does remoteness emerge from the very connections envisioned to unmake it? And how do connections arise from remoteness? In this article, I address these questions by taking remoteness and connectivity not as opposites but as entangled forces that condition each other. To explore this evolving nexus, I focus on provisions: the notion of provision denotes, at once, a foresight or visions of a better future, a rule or law, and supplies coming in from the outside. Looking into three junctures of cutting connections and forging ties in the Tajik Pamirs – the Soviet system of Moscow provisioning, wayfaring Pajero drivers and international trophy hunting – I show how provisions (of all three kinds) were instrumental in shaping the repeating return of remoteness in the region.

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