Sartre Studies International

An Interdisciplinary Journal of Existentialism and Contemporary Culture

Executive Editors:
For the UKSS
John Gillespie, Ulster University
Katherine Morris, Mansfield College Oxford

For the NASS
T Storm Heter, East Stroudsburg University
Constance Mui, Loyola University

Subjects: French Studies, Philosophy, Literature

Published in association with the United Kingdom Sartre Society and the North American Sartre Society.

Members can access the journal online here.

 Available on JSTOR

Volume 30 / 2024, 2 issues per volume (spring, winter)

Aims & Scope

Sartre Studies International is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which publishes articles of a multidisciplinary, cross-cultural and international character reflecting the full range and complexity of Sartre's own work. It focuses on the philosophical, literary and political issues originating in existentialism, and explores the continuing vitality of existentialist and Sartrean ideas in contemporary society and culture.

Each issue contains a reviews section and a notice board of current events, such as conferences, publications and media broadcasts linked to Sartre's life, work and intellectual legacy.


Sartre Studies International is indexed/abstracted in:

  • Bibliometric Research Indicator List (BFI)
  • Biography Index (Ebsco)
  • British Humanities Index (Proquest)
  • Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science)
  • European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
  • IBR – International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences (De Gruyter)
  • IBZ – International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences (De Gruyter)
  • IBSS – International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (Proquest)
  • MLA Directory of Periodicals
  • MLA International Bibliography
  • Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers
  • The Philosopher's Index (Philosopher's Information Centre)
  • Scopus (Elsevier)
  • Social Sciences Abstracts (Ebsco)
  • Social Sciences Index (Ebsco)

Executive Editors:
For the UKSS
John Gillespie, Ulster University, UK
Katherine Morris, Mansfield College Oxford, UK

For the NASS
T Storm Heter, East Stroudsburg University, USA
Constance Mui, Loyola University, USA

Special Projects Editors:
Ronald Aronson, Wayne State University, USA

Adrian van den Hoven, University of Windsor, UK

Reviews Editors:
Nik Farrell-Fox, University of Lincoln, UK
Elizabeth Butterfield, Georgia Southern University, USA

Noticeboard Editor:
John Gillespie, University of Ulster, UK

Editorial Advisory Board:
Bruce Baugh, Thompson Rivers University, Canada
Debra Bergoffen, George Mason University, USA
Jean-Pierre Boulé, Nottingham Trent University, UK
Betty Cannon, Boulder Psychotherapy Institute, USA
Stuart Charmé, Rutgers University, USA
David Drake, London, UK
John Duncan, Trinity College, University of Toronto, Canada
Christina Howells, Wadham College, UK
Sonia Kruks, Oberlin College, USA
Andrew Leak, University College London, UK
William McBride, Purdue University, USA
Benedict O'Donohoe, University of Sussex, UK
Bradley Stephens, University of Bristol, UK
Jonathan Webber, University of Cardiff, UK


Manuscript Submission

Please review either the UK submissions and style guidelines or the US submissions and style guidelines carefully before submitting.

Sartre Studies International is published twice a year and in association with the United Kingdom Sartre Society (issue 1) and North American Sartre Society (issue 2).

The editorial board welcomes contributions for publication in the journal. Articles may be on any aspect of Sartre's work, including his relationship with other intellectual figures (e.g., Beauvoir, Camus, Merleau-Ponty). The journal will occasionally publish articles written in French. Submissions are preferred as e-mail attachments formatted for Microsoft Word. Authors wishing to submit articles should send the to the North American Society care of T Storm Heter ( and to the UK Society care of John Gillespie (

Review editors:
Nik Farrell-Fox
250 West Parade
Lincoln, Lincolnshire LA1 5LN
United Kingdom

Elizabeth Butterfield
Georgia Southern University
Woman's & Gender Studies
Carroll, Room 2288D, PO Box 8049
Statesboro, GA 30460 USA

Have other questions? Please refer to the Berghahn Info for Authors page for general information and guidelines including topics such as article usage and permissions for Berghahn journal article authors.

Ethics Statement

Authors published in Sartre Studies International certify that their works are original and their own. The editors certify that all materials, with the possible exception of editorial introductions, book reviews, and some types of commentary, have been subjected to double-blind peer review by qualified scholars in the field. While the publishers and the editorial board make every effort to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinions, or statements appear in this journal, they wish to make clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles herein are the sole responsibility of the contributor concerned. For a more detailed explanation concerning these qualifications and responsibilities, please see the complete Sartre Studies International ethics statement.

Annual Subscriptions

Volume 31/2025, 2 issues p.a. (summer, winter)
ISSN 1357-1559 (Print) · ISSN 1558-5476 (Online)
(rates include handling & surface postage)

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Institutional Rate (Print & Online)*
$281.00 / £184.00 / €225.00

Institutional Rate (Online Only)*
$234.00 / £154.00 / €186.00

*Tier 1 pricing. The tier breakdowns and explanations are noted here. To view all 2025 pricing rates, please click here. Please email for questions about your institution's tier classification.

NASS/UKSS Individual Membership Rate (Print & Online)
$58.00 / £35.00 / €45.00 / Purchase here

NASS/UKSS Student Membership Rate (Print & Online)
$25.00 / £15.00 / €20.00* / Purchase here
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Memberships of both the North American Sartre Society and the United Kingdom Sartre Society are handled by Berghahn Books. For questions regarding membership, please see the FAQ section below.

Both the UKSS and NASS aim to promote the study, research, and discussion of the literary, philosophical, cultural, and political issues arising from Sartre's work. Each Society is dedicated to all aspects of the work and thought of Jean-Paul Sartre, as well as to that of his contemporaries and successors.

All those who are interested in Sartre are cordially invited to join their regional society and to submit their work to be considered for conferences and/or the journal.

Benefits of Joining the NASS or UKSS

Members receive:

  • Members receive a print subscription with online access to Sartre Studies International, the official journal of the combined North American Sartre Society and the UK Sartre Society.
  • Members will be able to submit proposals for NASS and UKSS conferences, which offers the opportunity to present their research to a variety of scholars. By participating in the NASS or UKSS, members can build an excellent network of personal contacts.
  • Members will receive regular information about topics of interest to Sartrean scholars and students through the NASS and UKSS list-servs and websites.

Frequently Asked Questions


About the NASS

Who do I contact if I have questions about NASS?
Please visit the NASS Facebook page for more information.

How can I find out about or attend an upcoming conference? Do I have to be a member?
Conferences are open to all those who are interested in attending or submitting a paper, provided that they are members of NASS. Submission of papers is open, but to present or to attend the conference, membership in NASS is required.

Is there a mailing list or list-serv I can sign up for?
Yes, please subscribe to the NASS list-serv here.

About the UKSS

Who do I contact if I have questions about the UKSS?
Please e-mail the UKSS here for general inquiries about the society.

How can I find out about or attend an upcoming conference? Do I have to be a member?
Conferences are open to all those who are interested in attending or submitting a paper, provided that they are members of UKSS. Submission of papers is open, but to present or to attend the conference, membership in UKSS is required. To submit an abstract or inquire about conferences, e-mail the UKSS here.

Please visit the UK Sartre Society website and Facebook page for more information.


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Membership in either the North American Sartre Society or the UK Sartre Society is handled by Berghahn Journals. Please contact

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How long does membership last?
NASS or UKSS membership lasts one year and runs on a calendar year basis. In practice, this means that if you join any time during the year, you will be enrolled for that full year (e.g., if you join in May 2020, your membership will run until the end of December 2020).

How do I renew my membership?
Once you become a member, Berghahn Journals will automatically send you a membership invoice each following year, at the beginning of the calendar year to remind you to renew your membership.

Print and Online Access

How do I receive the flagship journal, Sartre Studies International?
A printed copy is supplied to each member. Membership to the NASS and UKSS is tied to a yearly subscription of its flagship journal. When you become a member of the NASS or the UKSS, you will automatically receive the journal for each year of membership. Any issues that have already been published will be sent to you right away; upcoming issues will be sent from the printer as soon as they are available.

How do I access the online Sartre Studies International as part of my membership benefits?
Online access to Sartre Studies International is available to all current NASS and UKSS members. When you join the NASS or the UKSS, you will be required to provide an e-mail address, which will be used to access the journal online here.

How do I publish an article in SSI? Do I have to be a UKSS or NASS member?
You do not have to be a member to publish in SSI, although you are encouraged to join. The editors of the journal welcome all submissions for consideration.

Those wishing to submit articles should refer to the Submit tab.

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Upon arriving in Paris, many Englishmen and Americans were surprised that we were not as thin as they had expected. They saw women wearing elegant dresses that appeared new and men in jackets that, from afar, still looked good; they rarely encountered that facial pallor, that physiological misery that is usually proof of starvation. Concern that is disappointed turns into rancor. I am afraid that they were a little annoyed with us because we didn’t conform completely to the pathetic image that they had previously formed of us. Perhaps some of them wondered in the depth of their heart if the occupation had been quite so terrible after all and if France shouldn’t consider the defeat as a lucky break that would allow her to regain its place as a great power without having deserved it through great sacrifices; perhaps they thought as did the Daily Express that, in comparison to the English, the French didn’t fare so badly during these four years.


Hegel’s concept of recognition has been taken up by a number of thinkers, including Axel Honneth, Robert Williams, and Charles Taylor, under the banner of “the politics of recognition,” which pro- poses to put the concept of recognition to use in the service of a theory of politics that can respond to the problems of group-based structural injustice and subordination. According to these thinkers, equal recognition and the possibility of undistorted forms of communicative agreement serve as the regulative ideal that governs the ever-expanding horizon of a community of autonomous, mutually affirming equals, in which, as Honneth writes, each person has “the chance to know that he or she is socially esteemed with regard to his or her abilities.”


After an early dalliance with existentialism, Foucault is assumed to have moved away from the thought of Sartre and Merleau-Ponty. As he explained in an interview with Madeline Chapsal: “We had experienced Sartre’s generation as certainly courageous and generous with a passion for life, politics, existence.... But we had discovered some- thing else, another passion: passion for the concept and for what I shall call ‘system.’”1 Of course, the career of that passion for system as well as the structuralist and poststructuralist phases through which it passed is a matter of record. But it is commonly believed that Foucault left Sartrean existentialism far behind during most of his subsequent career.


In this article I argue that Fanon articulates a more complex relationship between his notion of radical freedom and slavery reparations that allows for the possibility of demanding the latter without sacrificing the former. While at times Fanon seems to posit a simple dilemma according to which one must choose between freedom and reparations, he also describes a vicious cycle in which the taking of material reparations appears to be a precondition for freedom, yet the claim for reparations appears to come at the cost of adoption of a constraining cultural identity. In other words, the process of attaining the material conditions necessary for radical freedom through slavery reparations can have the opposite effect of inhibiting freedom. The question of the possibility of taking reparations without sacrificing freedom becomes a question about the possibility of thinking about enslaved Africans and their descendants as a collective entitled to reparations without positing a constraining cultural identity.