Embodied Liberation

The Female Reception of Oshima Nagisa's International Co-Productions

in Screen Bodies
Yuta Kaminishi PhD Candidate, Department of Cinema and Media Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, USA yutak2@u.washington.edu

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Oshima Nagisa's international co-productions, which include the pornographic film In the Realm of the Senses and the war drama with homoerotic themes Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence, were noted as the emergence of his female audience. How did this reported demographic change of the audience from male-centered to female-oriented relate to sexualized bodies on screen? In their roundtable discussion about sexual liberation, feminists found emancipatory power from patriarchal society in the face of the actor who played Abe Sada. Girls praised queerness that disrupted heteronormativity in David Bowie's performance in their film reviews. Focusing on the reception of the films within feminists’ discourse and girls’ culture, this article argues that the female audience created political significance of the films by interpreting the bodies as embodied liberation.

Contributor Notes

Yuta Kaminishi is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Cinema and Media Studies at the University of Washington, Seattle. He is currently working on his dissertation, which delineates a media history of postwar Japan through the multimedia collaborations of Oshima Nagisa. Email: yutak2@u.washington.edu

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The Journal of Embodiment, Media Arts, and Technology

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