The Triple Cut

How to Tear the Female Body to Pieces on Screen

in Screen Bodies
Sara Calvete-Lorenzo Professor, University of Southern California, USA

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The main object of study in this research is the cutting of the female body in cinema. In order to simplify and rationalize such a broad and diffuse concept, it is necessary to redesign a methodology of analysis valid for the object of study at hand, which will be called the Triple Cut. This will advance self-referentially, as if it were Russian dolls, from the cut of the real itself, passing through the cut of the plane (or between planes) or the absence of the same, until arriving at the cut of the flesh itself. This is where the bodies end up being dismembered live in front of the camera's lens, pouncing like pieces of meat on the—willing or unwilling—audience.

Contributor Notes

Sara Calvete-Lorenzo was born in A Coruña and is passionate about cinema and the sea. Currently, she is a professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of Ideation and Audiovisual Narrative and Theory and Analysis of Television (Department of Communication, USC), predoctoral contract and IFP by the Audiovisual Studies Group where she is developing her thesis. She is part of the COMVIRTINDO Teaching Innovation Group and the Centre for Feminist Research and Gender Studies (CIFEX), both at the USC.

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Screen Bodies

The Journal of Embodiment, Media Arts, and Technology

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