Moving, Playing, Storytelling

The Uses of Trayectopia to Situate Mobility Experiences in Urban Design, Planning, Teaching, and Research

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Paola Jirón Universidad de Chile, USA

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Walter Imilan Universidad Central de Chile, USA

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Victoria de la Barra Universidad de Chile, USA

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As a pedagogical and ludic tool, the game Trayectopia1 was designed to engage the complexities of everyday mobilities through storytelling. In this paper, we explain storytelling, games and ludic initiatives in urban planning processes, the conceptual basis for Trayectopia, and how to play the game. Trayectopia contributes to a more situated form of urban and design and planning by incorporating multiple knowledges—particularly those emerging from diverse mobility experiences—into the process. Including new stories is crucial to new forms of thinking to address complex and fast-changing urban planning challenges.Keywords

Contributor Notes

Paola Jirón (Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad de Chile, MOVYT Associate Professor at Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU), Universidad de Chile. She holds a PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from The School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She is currently President of the National Council for Territorial Development (CNDT) and former Director of the Housing Institute (INVI), Coordinator of PhD programme Territory, Space and Society (D_TES UChile), and Director of Millennium Nucleus Mobilities and Territories (MOVYT). Her main areas of research involve urban studies from a territorial and everyday dwelling experience including mobility practices, urban knowledge, gender, intersectionality, and care using qualitative research methods. Contact:

Walter Imilan (Universidad Central de Chile, MOVYT) Walter Imilan is an anthropologist and holds a PhD in urban studies from TU-Berlin. From an ethnographic perspective he works in the field of mobilities to explore the construction of habitat and territory of indigenous peoples. He is a member of Millennium Nucleus Mobilities and Territories (MOVYT) and is currently working on the project “Wiñolnampulkafe: mapuche mobilities and their territorialities” (Fondecyt-Anid N° 1220896). Contact:

Victoria de la Barra (Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad de Chile, MOVYT) She is an Architect from Universidad de Concepción and holds a Masters degree in Residential Habitat from Universidad de Chile. She is also Magister (c) in Geography from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Victoria is a researcher at Millennium Nucleus Mobilities and Territories (MOVYT) and her main areas of research are related to the public space and urban design. Contact:

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Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies