
Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies

Editor: Cotten Seiler, Dickinson College, USA

Subjects: History, Cultural Studies, Migration

Membership: T2M Member Online Access

Images to accompany Special Anniversary Issue 10(1)


Latest Issue Table of Contents

Volume 13 (2023): Issue 1-2 (Jun 2023)

Volume 13, Issue 3
Table of Contents


Special section: Mobilities and Pedagogy, Part II

Mobilities and Pedagogy: Moving Forwards
Sarah Gibson and Lynne Pearce

Teaching Mobilities from Where?: The Disciplines, Institutions, Positionalities, and Spaces of Mobility Pedagogies
Peter Adey and Simon Cook

Moving, Playing, Storytelling: The Uses of Trayectopia to Situate Mobility Experiences in Urban design, Planning, Teaching, and Research
Paola Jirón, Walter Imilan, and Victoria de la Barra

Moving (with) Texts: Urban Mobilities, Narrative Mappings, and Walking Ethnographies for Teaching Literary Geographies
Giada Peterle

Video-Making as a Mobilities Pedagogy: An “Engaged” Approach
Chiara Rabbiosi

Novel Reviews
Emily Ruete, E. J. van Donzel, An Arabian Princess between Two Worlds: Memoirs, Letters Home, Sequels to the Memoirs: Syrian Customs and Usages
Reviewed by Yasmin Akhter

Erich Kästner, Emil and the Detectives
Reviewed by Adam Borch

Larissa Lai, Salt Fish Girl
Reviewed by Gizem Damla Çakmak

Sarah Howe, Loop of Jade
Reviewed by Chloe Lee

Book Reviews
Carlnita P. Greene, ed., Foodscapes: Food, Space, and Place in a Global Society
Reviewed by Priya Vadi

Suzanne Beech, The Geographies of International Student Mobility: Spaces, Places, and Decision-Making
Reviewed by Kirsty Finn

Ideas in Motion
Behind the Wheel in the Driverless City: Autonomous Vehicle Mobilities and Regulatory Challenges
Luis F. Alvarez Leon

Volume 14 / 2024, 3 issues per volume (spring, summer, winter)

Aims & Scope

Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies is a peer-reviewed journal publishing cutting-edge research on the processes, structures, and consequences of the movement of people, resources, and commodities. Intellectually rigorous, broadly ranging, and conceptually innovative, the journal combines the empiricism of traditional mobility history with more recent methodological approaches from the social sciences and the humanities.

The journal's scholarly articles, book and exhibit reviews, and artwork and photography, as well as special features, provide a rich variety of perspectives that include: analyses of the past and present experiences of vehicle drivers, passengers, pedestrians, migrants, and refugees; accounts of the arrival and transformation of mobility in different nations and locales; and investigations of the kinetic processes of global capital, technology, chemical and biological substances, images, narratives, sounds, and ideas.

Convened around a broad conception of mobility, Transfers provides an interdisciplinary platform to explore the ways in which experiences of mobility have been enabled, shaped and mediated across time and through technological advances.


Transfers is indexed/abstracted in:

  • Scopus (Elsevier)
  • Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers
  • MLA International Bibliography
  • Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science)
  • European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
  • Bibliometric Research Indicator List (BFI)

Editor: Cotten Seiler, Dickinson College, USA

Associate Editors
Georgine Clarsen, University of Wollongong, Australia
Mimi Sheller, Drexel University, USA

Review Editors
Fernanda Duarte, North Carolina State University, USA
Book Reviews Assistant: James Watson-Krips, Princeton University, USA
Book Reviews Adjunct Editor: Matilde Cordoba Azcarate, University of California San Diego, USA
Museums: Chia-ling Lai, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Ideas in Motion Editor: Lin Weiqiang, National University of Singapore
Film Review Editor: Neil Archer, Keele University, UK
Literary Review Editor: Dave McLaughlin, University of York, UK

Editorial Assistant: Moses Krueger, Dickinson College, USA

Editorial Board
David Bissell, University of Melbourne, Australia
Jennifer Bonham, University of Adelaide, Australia
Maria Borovnik, Massey University, New Zealand
Deborah Breen, Boston University, USA
Tim Cresswell, University of Edinburgh, UK
Tim Edensor, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Govind Gopakumar, Concordia University, Canada
Charlotte Mathieson, University of Surrey, UK
Peter Merriman, University of Aberystwyth, UK
Beth Notar, Trinity College, USA
Ruth Oldenziel, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Lynne Pearce, Lancaster University, UK
Noel Salazar, University of Leuven, Belgium
Victor Seow, Harvard University, USA
Edward Simpson, SOAS, University of London, UK
Jun Zhang, City University of Hong Kong, China
Michael Zinganel, Independent Scholar, Austria


Manuscript Submissions

Please review the general submission and style guide carefully before submitting.

Transfers is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that publishes interdisciplinary scholarly works that examine the processes, structures, and consequences of the movement of people, resources, and commodities. It provides a unique forum to explore the ways experiences of mobility have been enabled, shaped, and mediated across time and through technological developments.

The journal provides a rich variety of perspectives and includes scholarly articles, book and exhibit reviews, artwork and photography, and special features. The editorial team welcomes contributions. Submissions should be prepared as Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format (rtf) files and submitted using the journal's online submission system:

Authors must register with the journal on the submission system prior to submitting, or, if already registered, they can simply log in. On registering as an Author, authors have the option of also registering as a Reviewer (to be called upon to undertake peer reviews of other submissions).

Please note that all correspondence will be transmitted via e-mail.

Section Guides:
Mobility and Art Guidelines
Ideas in Motion Guidelines
Book Review Guidelines
Film Review Guidelines
Special Section Guidelines

Have other questions? Please refer to the Berghahn Info for Authors page for general information and guidelines including topics such as article usage and permissions for Berghahn journal article authors.

Contact Information

General Editorial Queries
Stéphanie Ponsavady
Jessica Khan

Book Reviews
Book Reviews Assistant: Rachel Wachman, Wesleyan University, USA

Mobility and Art Reviews
Fernanda Duarte
North Carolina State University, USA

Museum Reviews
Chia-ling Lai
National Taiwan Normal University

Ethics Statement

Authors published in Transfers certify that their works are original and their own. The editors certify that all materials, with the possible exception of editorial introductions; book, film, art, and museum reviews; and some types of commentary, have been subjected to double-blind peer review by qualified scholars in the field. While the publishers and the editorial board make every effort to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinions, or statements appear in this journal, they wish to make clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles herein are the sole responsibility of the contributor concerned. For a more detailed explanation concerning these qualifications and responsibilities, please see the complete Transfers ethics statement.



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Volume 14/2024, 3 issues p.a. (spring, summer, winter)
ISSN 2045-4813 (Print) · ISSN 2045-4821 (Online)
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Contested Spaces

Bicycle Lanes in Urban Europe, 1900-1995

Today most cities emphasize the construction of separate bicycle lanes as a sure path toward sustainable urban mobility. Historical evidence shows a singular focus on building bicycle lanes without embedding them into a broader bicycle culture and politics is far too narrow. Bicycle lanes were never neutral, but contested from the start. Based on comparative research of cycling history covering nine European cities in four countries, the article shows the crucial role representations of bicycles play in policymakers' and experts' planning for the future. In debating the regulation of urban traffic flows, urban-planning professionals projected separate lanes to control rather than to facilitate working- class, mass-scale bicycling. Significantly, cycling organizations opposed the lanes, while experts like traffic engineers and urban planners framed automobility as the inevitable modern future. Only by the 1970s did bicycle lanes enter the debate as safe and sustainable solutions when grass-roots cyclists' activists campaigned for them. The up and downs of bicycle lanes show the importance of encouraging everyday utility cycling by involving diverse social groups.


Geographies, Histories, Sociologies

This article is an edited transcript of a panel discussion on “mobility studies“ which was held as part of a workshop on mobility and community at Aberystwyth University on September 3, 2012. In the article the five panelists reflect upon the recent resurgence of research on mobility in the social sciences and humanities, emphasizing the interdisciplinary nature of contemporary debates, and the ways in which established fields such as transport history, migration studies, and sociology are being reshaped by new research agendas. The panelists discuss the importance of engaging with issues of politics, justice, equality, global capital, secrecy, and representation, and they encourage researchers to focus on non-Western and non-hegemonic mobilities, as well as to produce “useable“ studies which engage policy-makers.

Frontiers of Visibility

On Diving Mobility in Underwater Films (1920s to 1970s)


This article deals with the history of underwater film and the role that increased mobility plays in the exploration of nature. Drawing on research on the exploration of the ocean, it analyzes the production of popular images of the sea. The entry of humans into the depths of the oceans in the twentieth century did not revitalize myths of mermaids but rather retold oceanic myths in a modern fashion. Three stages stand out in this evolution of diving mobility. In the 1920s and 1930s, scenes of divers walking under water were the dominant motif. From the 1940s to the 1960s, use of autonomous diving equipment led to a modern incarnation of the “mermen“ myth. From the 1950s to the 1970s, cinematic technology was able to create visions of entire oceanic ecosystems. Underwater films contributed to the period of machine-age exploration in a very particular way: they made virtual voyages of the ocean possible and thus helped to shape the current understanding of the oceans as part of Planet Earth.

Target Practice

The Algorithmics and Biopolitics of Race in Emerging Smart Border Practices and Technologies



Taking the Canada–U.S. border as a starting point to reflect on emergent smart border practices, this essay analyzes the differential yet central place that race continues to hold in the regulation of mobilities through the technopolitical mechanism of the border. Against claims that smart borders offer a more scientific and “postracial” mode of border control, the essay offers a situated conceptual reflection on how race is currently being (re)shaped by the complex intersection of biopolitical and algorithmic forms of governmentality as they converge in border technologies. The essay proposes to think through four different sets of smart border technologies that enact and track race as a biopolitical assemblage in particular ways, analyzing the associated perceptual codes each puts into play (biometric, movement sensing, drone, and databased). It closes by reflecting on how these algorithmic technologies inflect the biopolitical targeting of race and mobility in ways that serve to insulate smart border practices from democratic accoun tability.

Cycles of Cathay

A History of the Bicycle in China

Introduced into China in the late nineteenth century, the bicycle had to compete with a variety of alternative modes of personal transportation that for a number of years limited its appeal and utility. Thus, during the 1920s and 1930s it took a back seat to the hand-pulled rickshaw and during the 1940s to the pedicab (cycle rickshaw). It was only in the 1950s that the bicycle became the primary means of transportation for most urban Chinese. For the next four decades, as its use spread from the city to the countryside, China was the iconic “bicycle kingdom.“ Since the 1990s, however, the pedal-powered bicycle has been overtaken by the automobile (and motorcycle). Nevertheless, with the recent appearance and growing popularity of the e-bike, the bicycle may yet play an important role in China's transport modal mix. This overview history of the bicycle in China is based on a wide range of textual sources in English and Chinese as well as pictorial images.