ABRAMS, Andrea C., God and Blackness: Race,
Gender, and Identity in a Middle Class Afrocentric
Church, 195 pp., references, index. New York:
New York University Press, 2014. Paperback,
$26. ISBN 9780814705247.
CHRISTENSEN, Jeanne, Rastafari Reasoning and
the RastaWoman: Gender Constructions in the
Shaping of Rastafari Livity, 202 pp., bibliography,
index. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2014.
Hardback, $80. ISBN 9780739175736.
COX, James L., The Invention of God in Indigenous
Societies, 192 pp., notes, bibliography, index.
Durham: Acumen, 2014. Paperback, $ 31.
ISBN 9780520280472.
DAWSON, Andrew, Santo Daime: A New World
Religion, 240 pp., notes, bibliography, index.
New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013. Paperback,
$40. ISBN 9781441154248.
DESCOLA, Philippe, Beyond Nature and Culture,
trans. Janet Lloyd, 488 pp., notes, bibliography,
index. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
2013. Hardback, $52. ISBN 9780226144450.
FLORES, Edward Orozco, God’s Gangs: Barrio
Ministry, Masculinity, and Gang Recovery, 243 pp.,
notes, references, index. New York: New York
University Press, 2013. Paperback, $22.
ISBN 9781479878123.
GESCHIERE, Peter, God’s Witchcraft, Intimacy and
Trust: Africa in Comparison, 243 pp., notes, references,
index. 328 pp., notes, references, index.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013.
Hardback, $75. ISBN 9780226047584.
Johnson, Paul Christopher, ed., Spirited
Things: The Work of “Possession” in Afro-Atlantic
Religions, 344 pp., notes, bibliography, index.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014.
Hardback, $97.50. ISBN 9780226122625.
KLASSEN, Pamela E., Spirits of Protestantism:
Medicine, Healing, and Liberal Christianity,
348 pp., notes, bibliography, index. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 2011. Paperback,
$29.95. ISBN 9780520270992.
KOHN, Eduardo, How Forests Think: Toward
an Anthropology Beyond the Human, 288 pp.,
notes, bibliography, index. Berkeley: University
of California Press, 2013. Paperback,
$29.95. ISBN 9780520276116.
LUHRMANN, T. M., When God Talks Back:
Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship
with God, 464 pp., notes, bibliographic
notes, bibliography, index. New
York: Vintage Books, 2012. Paperback, $20.
ISBN 9780307277275.
RAMSEY, Kate, The Spirits and the Law: Vodou
and Power in Haiti, 448 pp., illustrations, maps,
notes, bibliography, index. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 2011. Hardback, $50.
ISBN 9780226703794.