Press Releases

Berghahn Open Anthro enters its fifth successful year of publishing open access using Subscribe to Open

Brooklyn, NY, 23 April 2024

Berghahn Journals is delighted to announce that all 2024 volumes in our Berghahn Open Anthro – Subscribe-to-Open (BOA-S2O) collection will be open access.

The BOA-S2O collection, which now includes 16 journals, is in its fifth year thanks to the continued support of the library community. Now with over 50 collections level participants and 300 title level participants on board, we have published over 850 open access research articles from over 60 countries. Together with the other scholarly outputs published by these journals, over 1,900 authors have been able to publish open access without paying APCs. We continue to see significant usage increases due to the expanded discoverability and accessibility. Furthermore, we have been able to expand the collection by adding two renowned society journals: Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale (published on behalf the European Association of Social Anthropologists) in 2022 and Ethnologia Europaea (published on behalf of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore) in 2024.

For the BOA-S2O titles to remain open in 2025 and beyond, continuous renewal support is essential. Libraries must continue to renew their subscriptions each year to support the cost of journal publication without author-facing charges. Participating libraries receive backfile access with an active subscription and ‘guaranteed open access’ benefits for their researchers which ensures Gold Open Access status should the threshold not be met for a particular year.

The positive impact we have seen since 2020, for all stakeholders, reaffirms our dedication to S2O and we look forward to continuing to publish vital anthropology research and pushing forward in our mission of equitable and sustainable open access.

Find complete details on Berghahn’s Subscribe to Open program here.

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Ethnologia Europaea: Journal of European Ethnology, the journal of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF), will join the Berghahn Open Anthro – Subscribe-to-Open collection in 2024! 

Brooklyn, NY, January 17, 2024 

Starting with Volume 54, Berghahn Journals will be the new publisher of Ethnologia Europaea: Journal of European Ethnology, the flagship journal of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF). The journal will be leaving the Open Library of Humanities and will continue its open access journey (started in 2019) as a part of the Berghahn Open Anthro – Subscribe to Open (S2O) initiative, which enters its fifth year in 2024 with 16 titles. 

The addition of Ethnologia Europaea, the second society journal to join the Berghahn Open Anthro collection, reinforces the benefits of S2O and presents a sustainable path for societies to control their open access future. SIEF and the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), whose ambitions for equitable open access brought them to Berghahn, reflects the growth, support and reputation of the model.  

The partnerships solidify Berghahn’s standing as a top anthropology publisher and acknowledge the common goals of equity, scholarly diversity, transparency, and sustainability in our open access mission. We are delighted with the anthropology discipline’s overall enthusiasm for open access and the support we have received for S2O from the library community. We will continue to work with our partners to provide the scholarly community with impactful open research without costs to authors. 

Managing Director, Vivian Berghahn says, “we are thrilled to welcome Ethnologia Europaea to Berghahn, where it will join our ground-breaking Berghahn Open Anthro initiative. It is ever more important for scholarly societies, such as the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF), to not only be able to choose their own paths to open access, but to do so with a publishing partner who best serves the interests of the fields they represent. We are happy to give SIEF the home to do just this.” 

President of SIEF, Associate Professor, Marie Sandberg, expresses great enthusiasm with the new Berghahn publishing partnership: “As a scholarly society, SIEF finds it crucial to support the publishing of peer-reviewed research articles at the highest level. Founded in 1967, Ethnologia Europaea is an experienced and esteemed international journal in the fields of European Ethnology and Folklore Studies that is also known for its rich, ethnographically informed analyses of cultural phenomena, past and present. With Ethnologia Europaea joining Berghahn, we think the journal, steered by the joint editors-in-chief, will be in the very best hands."

About Berghahn Books 
Founded in 1994, Berghahn Books is an independent publisher of scholarly books and journals in the humanities and social sciences. A peer-review, mission-driven press, Berghahn is committed to the highest academic standards and seeks to enable innovative contributions to the scholarship in its fields of specialty.  
Contact: Young Lee: 

About SIEF 
The International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF) is an international organization that facilitates and stimulates cooperation among scholars working within European Ethnology, Folklore Studies, Cultural Anthropology and adjoining fields.  

About Berghahn Open Anthro
Berghahn Open Anthro is a pioneering S2O initiative for anthropology conceived and implemented by 
Berghahn in partnership with Libraria, a collective of researchers based in the social sciences. 


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Berghahn Open Anthro enters its fourth successful year of publishing open access
using S2O

Brooklyn, NY, April 4, 2023

Berghahn Journals is delighted to announce that all 2023 volumes in our Berghahn Open Anthro – Subscribe-to-Open (BOA-S2O) collection will be open access.

The success of the first phase of the initiative (2020-2022) has enabled the dissemination of respected anthropological research and contributed to the ongoing success and growth of these journals while supporting equitable open access. The BOA-S2O collection, which now includes 15 journals, is in its fourth year thanks to the wide-ranging support of the library community.

S2O is a model that provides an opportunity for authors to publish without paying APCs which promotes equity and diversity in scholarly research in ways that dominant models, such as Read and Publish do not. For that reason, Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale joined the BOA-S2O collection in 2022 after members of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) voted to move their flagship journal to a publishing model that better aligned with their society’s values.

For libraries, S2O is a seamless open access solution that does not interrupt their existing ordering logistics, while also offering a way for libraries to support open access initiatives on a smaller scale.

With no cost barriers for both authors and readers, we have published over 630 open access research articles from over 60 countries. Together with the other scholarly outputs published by these journals, over 1,350 authors have been able to publish open access without paying APCs under the BOA-S2O model. These journals continue to see remarkable usage increases due to the expanded discoverability and accessibility.

To keep the BOA-S2O titles open in 2024 and beyond, continuous renewal support is essential. Libraries must continue to renew their subscriptions each year to support the cost of journal publication without author-facing charges. Authors can support the initiative by encouraging their libraries to subscribe to these journals.

We look forward to continuing to publish vital anthropology research and pushing forward in our mission of equitable and sustainable open access.


About Berghahn Open Anthro:
Berghahn Open Anthro is a pioneering S2O initiative for anthropology conceived and implemented by Berghahn in partnership with Libraria, a collective of researchers based in the social sciences. Founded in 1994, Berghahn is an independent mission-driven press committed to enabling innovative contributions to scholarship in its fields of specialty. Visit:

Contact: Young Lee, Journals Marketing and Library Relations Manager:


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Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, the flagship journal of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, will transition to Open Access starting in 2022

Brooklyn, NY, June 3, 2021

Starting with Volume 30, Berghahn Journals will be the new publisher of Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, the journal of the European Association of Social Anthropologists. The journal will be leaving Wiley to embark on becoming a fully open access journal as a part of the Berghahn Open Anthro – Subscribe to Open (S2O) initiative, which will enter its third year in 2022.

As one of the top journals in its field, the addition of Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale to the Berghahn Open Anthro collection reinforces the benefits of S2O, an ever-strengthening model that provides equitable open access through the ongoing support from the library community.

With the anthropology discipline’s enthusiastic support for open access and Berghahn’s current success with the Berghahn Open Anthro pilot, EASA and Berghahn’s partnership reflects the common goal of finding a sustainable and equitable solution for publisher, society, and researcher.

Managing Director, Vivian Berghahn, comments: “We are thrilled to be entrusted with the responsibility of helping EASA realize the wishes of its membership when it comes to their journal’s future. This move is a powerful example of a scholarly society determining its own path to open access. Prevailing Author-Pays publishing models are inappropriate for the humanities and social sciences, and many researchers are unable to pay these article processing charges (APCs). The Subscribe-to-Open model will enable Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale authors to publish open access without these “pay-to-publish” barriers.”

Mariya Ivancheva, President of EASA, adds: “EASA’s members voted overwhelmingly to take our journal Open Access in a way that is sustainable and equitable. It will allow all anthropologists, anywhere in the world, to access our journal and hopefully amend at least partially the asymmetry of access to knowledge that paywalled content has meant for colleagues and students in less financially resourced parts of the continent and the world. We are excited about the opportunities this presents our discipline and are committed to working closely with Berghahn to make not just the access to, but also production of academic knowledge a globally more equitable process.”

Berghahn Open Anthro was conceived and implemented in partnership with Libraria, who will continue to work closely with Berghahn in transitioning Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale to open access. Knowledge Unlatched will also continue to provide support in introducing the collection to libraries across the spectrum.


About Berghahn Books

Founded in 1994, Berghahn Books is an independent publisher of scholarly books and journals in the humanities and social sciences. A peer-review, mission-driven press, Berghahn is committed to the highest academic standards and seeks to enable innovative contributions to the scholarship in its fields of specialty.
Contact: Young Lee:

About Libraria

Libraria is a collective of researchers based in the social sciences who, drawing on the expertise of librarians, publishers, and other stakeholders, seek to bring about a more open, diverse, community-controlled scholarly communication system.
Contact: Alberto Corsín Jiménez, Spanish National Research Council:

About EASA

The European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) is a professional association open to all social anthropologists either qualified in, or else working in, Europe. The Association seeks to advance anthropology in Europe by organizing biennial conferences, by editing its academic journal Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, its Newsletter, and two publication series. The Association further encourages and supports thematic networks.
Contact: Sharon Macdonald:


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Jisc and Berghahn Journals offer UK universities a “Berghahn Open Anthro UK Flexible Journals Package”

Brooklyn, NY, February 1, 2021

Jisc and Berghahn Journals have entered into an agreement to offer UK libraries a bespoke subscriptions package as part of the Berghahn Open Anthro – Subscribe to Open (S2O) initiative. Launched in 2020, the initiative has been successfully adopted by the library community and partner organisations, Libraria and Knowledge Unlatched. S2O is a sustainable and equitable open access model that is gaining steam as the benefits to all participants in the publishing ecosystem is ever more apparent. Berghahn Open Anthro now enters its second year of providing full open access to all thirteen journals in the collection.

Vivian Berghahn, Managing Director of Berghahn Books comments, “Jisc has been instrumental in supporting a range of paths to open access for UK researchers, especially for specialised publishers like us. S2O supports a diversity of models that allow journals of all sizes to realize open access. While global in outlook, our journals have deep roots in UK academia, and we are delighted to be able to extend this tailored package to Jisc members.”

“At Jisc we’re committed to supporting publishers in their transition to OA,” says Anna Vernon, Jisc’s Head of Licensing. “We’re delighted to have worked with Berghahn to develop this flexible agreement that accelerates OA to anthropology research via S2O pledges whilst also enabling compliance with funder mandates.”

As evidence of the increasing acceptance of the S2O model by librarians, researchers and publishers, Berghahn, in partnership with Jisc, now offers UK universities the Berghahn Open Anthro UK package through a 5-journal flexible package tailored for the UK.

The 2-year package (2021-2022) consists of subscriptions to two mandatory titles, Focaal and Social Analysis; and three optional titles from a list of seven offered at a fixed, discounted rate. Under the subscribe-to-open model, there are no fees to publish for the authors, who retain copyright under the Creative Commons license of their choice. A green option ensures that articles are compliant with funder mandates on acceptance.

For more information contact: 


About Berghahn

Founded in 1994, Berghahn Books is an independent publisher of scholarly books and journals in the humanities and social sciences. A peer-review, mission-driven press, Berghahn is committed to the highest academic standards and seeks to enable innovative contributions to the scholarship in its fields of specialty. 

About Jisc 

Jisc’s vision is for the UK to be the most digitally advanced education and research nation in the world. At its heart is the super-fast national research and education network, Janet, with built-in cyber security protection. Jisc also provides technology solutions for its members (colleges, universities and research centres) and customers (public sector bodies), helps members save time and money by negotiating sector-wide deals and provides advice and practical assistance on digital technology. Jisc is funded by the UK higher and further education and research funding bodies and member institutions. For more information, contact, or call 07443 983571.


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The Ground-Breaking Three-Year Subscribe-to-Open Initiative, Berghahn Open Anthro, Successfully Enters Year 2

Brooklyn, NY, & Oxford, U.K., February 3, 2021 

Berghahn Journals, the social sciences publisher that flipped 13 of its anthropology journals to Open Access (OA) in 2020 by asking subscribing libraries to renew their subscriptions on a Subscribe-to-Open (S2O) basis, is pleased to announce the three-year initiative is now successfully entering its second year. Libraries still have the opportunity to join the initiative, by either subscribing to the entire collection of journals or renew existing subscriptions at the select title level.

“The more libraries continue to support Berghahn Open Anthro (BOA), the more quality content will be published OA and made freely accessible to scholars worldwide,” says Berghahn Books’ Journal Marketing Manager, Young Lee.

“S20 has emerged as an effective and financially sustainable OA model for HSS journals embraced by publishers and libraries alike,” says KU’s Director of Publisher Relations, Philipp Hess. “KU looks forward to continuing to work closely with Berghahn Books in introducing BOA to more libraries this year.”

Lee also added: “Owing to the overwhelming support from a wide range of institutions thus far, we are not only able to keep these journals OA but are also seeing interest from other journals to join the initiative. We look forward to extending our journal portfolio going forward.”

BOA was conceived and implemented in partnership with Libraria, a group of anthropologists and other social scientists committed to OA, and the support of KU. Full details on the initiative, including the list of over 300 participating libraries, can be found here.


About Berghahn Books

Founded in 1994, Berghahn Books is an independent publisher of scholarly books and journals in the humanities and social sciences. A peer-review, mission-driven press, Berghahn is committed to the highest academic standards and seeks to enable innovative contributions to the scholarship in its fields of specialty. www.berghahnbooks.comContact: Vivian Berghahn:

About Libraria

Established in 2015, Libraria is a collective of researchers based in the social sciences who, drawing on the expertise of librarians, publishers, and other stakeholders, seek to bring about a more open, diverse, community-controlled scholarly communication system. Libraria has since evolved into a consulting and advocacy network that aims to convene informed conversations and catalyse demonstration projects. www.libraria.ccContact: Alberto Corsín Jiménez:

About Knowledge Unlatched

KU offers every reader worldwide free access to scholarly content. The online platform enables libraries worldwide to centralize their support for Open Access models from leading publishers and new initiatives in favour of Open Access. Contact: Philipp Hess:


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The ground-breaking subscribe-to-open pilot – Berghahn Open Anthro – will flip thirteen anthropology journals to open access in 2020

Brooklyn, NY, January 22, 2020 

Hailed as the largest concerted disciplinary journals flip to open access since SCOAP3, Berghahn Books will take the step of publishing thirteen core anthropology journals as open access starting with their 2020 volumes under the subscribe-to-open model (S2O). 

The availability of multiple models is paramount to maintaining a diverse, dynamic, and enterprising publishing ecosystem. Based on librarian curation, existing resources, and proven processes for supporting journals, a subscribe-to-open model is now emerging that makes financing sustainable open access more attainable, especially for smaller journals in the social sciences and humanities.

Managing Director, Vivian Berghahn, said, “We have been emboldened to take this significant step, thanks not only to the overwhelmingly enthusiastic response from the library community, who regard this approach as a progressive model worthy of support, but by the anthropology researcher community itself, who have mobilized as a discipline to endorse the pilot as a means for realizing a more equitable and globally inclusive solution for open access publishing.”

Participating libraries include open access pioneers who have shown their support for the pilot by subscribing to the entire collection, with other libraries affirming their backing when renewing subscriptions at the select title level. In adopting the model, many librarians are continuing to underwrite the journals their faculty has always endorsed, with other librarians drawn to a model that allows all readers and authors to benefit from open access alongside those in their own institution.

Libraria’s Alberto Corsín Jiménez, Department of Social Anthropology, Spanish National Research Council, commented: “At Libraria, we have been working hard to build open access environments that are equitable, sustainable, and inclusive. The Berghahn Open Anthro pilot is an audacious and innovative project that leads the way in showing what a responsible partnership between researchers, libraries, and publishers can accomplish. It marks a milestone in anthropology's ongoing commitment to make its research available to indigenous communities and the public.”

Curtis Brundy of Iowa State University Library adds: “The Berghahn Open Anthro pilot is one of the most exciting initiatives underway at this critical moment for open access. It is exciting because it originated from anthropologists who want to see their discipline’s literature open. And it is exciting because Berghahn Books listened and responded with a cooperative model that will not only make its 13 anthropology journals open, but can serve as a model and inspiration to move all of the field’s journals to open. This pilot and collaboration will advance openness and deserves wide support.”

S2O was initiated by Annual Reviews. The BOA adaptation was conceived and implemented in partnership with Libraria. Berghahn Books is also working closely with Knowledge Unlatched in introducing the model to libraries across the spectrum. Full details on the Berghahn Open Anthro initiative, including the list of participating libraries, can be found here.


About Berghahn Books

Founded in 1994, Berghahn Books is an independent publisher of scholarly books and journals in the humanities and social sciences. A peer-review, mission-driven press, Berghahn is committed to the highest academic standards and seeks to enable innovative contributions to the scholarship in its fields of specialty.
Contact: Vivian Berghahn, Managing Director:

About Libraria

Established in 2015, Libraria is a collective of researchers based in the social sciences who, drawing on the expertise of librarians, publishers, and other stakeholders, seek to bring about a more open, diverse, community-controlled scholarly communication system. Libraria has since evolved into a consulting and advocacy network that aims to convene informed conversations and catalyze demonstration projects.
Contact: Alberto Corsín Jiménez, Spanish National Research Council:

About Knowledge Unlatched

KU offers every reader worldwide free access to scholarly content. The online platform enables libraries worldwide to centralize their support for Open Access models from leading publishers and new initiatives in favor of Open Access.
Contact: Philipp Hess, Publicity & Communications:


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