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France Votes

Irwin M. Wall

The French elections of 2012 resulted in an unprecedented and overwhelming victory by France's Socialist Party, which gained control of the presidency and an absolute majority in the National Assembly to go with the party's existing domination of most of France's regions and municipalities. But the Socialist Party remains a minority party in the French electoral body politic, its victory the result of a skewered two-ballot electoral system. The Socialist government, moreover, remains hampered in its action by its obligations toward the European Union and its participation in the zone of countries using the Euro as it attempts to deal with France's economic crisis. As a consequence of both of these phenomena the government may also be sitting atop a profound political crisis characterized by the alienation of a good part of the electorate from the political system.

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A New Blue-Collar Force

The Alternative for Germany and the Working Class

Philipp Adorf

Projet,” Election manifesto for the 2012 French presidential election, (2012), 5. 23 Marine Le Pen, Discours de Marine Le Pen, Présidente du Front National, lors du Congrès de Tours des 15 et 16 janvier 2011 , 16 January 2011; available at http