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Forced Immobility

Undocumented Migrants, Boats, Brussels, and Islands

Godfrey Baldacchino

.8977E); these constitute international waters in the central Mediterranean sea, just outside the territorial zone of Malta, a small island state and the smallest member state of the European Union (EU). They did so for forty days, thus matching both the

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A Brief History of Smart Transportation Infrastructure

Kathleen Frazer Oswald

enable social sorting akin to tiered Internet service; 21 it could also enable remote stopping, a feature that a leaked 2014 European Network of Law Enforcement Technologies document proves the European Union Police are interested in. 22 Such

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Book Reviews

Tristan Josephson, Marcin B. Stanek, Tallie Ben Daniel, Jeremy Ash, Liz Millward, Caroline Luce, Regine Buschauer, Amanda K. Phillips, and Javier Caletrío

immediate postwar period, and each of the subsequent chapters proceeds across the late twentieth century to the 1992 Treaty of Maastricht, which created the European Union. Chapter 1 looks at the youth hosteling movement, specifically the role of the

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Aeromobilities in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Weiqiang Lin

of society had repeatedly tested positive for the virus because of their—or their contacts’—itinerancy. 15 Similarly, when the Trump administration banned travel from the European Union (EU) on 13 March, the measure had attracted an inordinate amount

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The Contribution of Car Sharing to the Sustainable Mobility Transition

Emma Terama, Juha Peltomaa, Catarina Rolim, and Patrícia Baptista

:// . 13 Eurostat, Energy, Transport and Environment Indicators: 2015 Edition (Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2015). 14 European Commission, Action Plan

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Target Practice

The Algorithmics and Biopolitics of Race in Emerging Smart Border Practices and Technologies

Tamara Vukov

bodily traits, this set of technologies ranges from the digital fingerprints that make up the European Union’s Eurodac database, which seeks to prevent “asylum shopping” by tracking asylum seekers’ movements, to the DNA testing imposed on migrant families

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Mobile Lives, Immobile Representations

Raili Nugin

each year, around three thousand young people (0.9 percent of the age group seven to twenty-six) move from rural to urban areas. However, young people also leave Estonia, looking for better employment opportunities in other European Union countries. In

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All for a Container! Return Migration, Transport Technologies, and Love Affairs

Alessandro Jedlowski

Marie Curie/Cofund postdoctoral fellowship funded by the European Union and the University of Liege and the author wishes to thank these institutions for their kind and generous support. To the Nigerian couple that inspired this article, warm thanks for