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Precarious Provisioning: Three Explorations of Food after Progress

Patrick McEvoy

extracting new concepts from it as well. Following Bourdieu, she describes an artisan habitus, incorporating her own concept of “synesthetic reasoning,” which cheesemakers use to guide their production. Similarly, she finds Foucault’s biopolitics operating

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Boundary Plants, the Social Production of Space, and Vegetative Agency in Agrarian Societies

Michael Sheridan

French philosophers set the agenda for this synthesis of space, power, and control. Michel Foucault explored how modern architecture, particularly in forms such as prisons, hospitals, and asylums, produces “docile bodies” that internalize discipline

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Placing Plants in Territory

Sarah Besky and Jonathan Padwe

, Dove compares the spatial arrangement of Indonesian and Malaysian rubber plantations to that of Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon, the prison design that served Michel Foucault (1978 ) as a model of surveillance-based spatial control. Yet efforts to impose

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Making Post/Anthropocentric Futures in Agrobiodiversity Conservation

Franziska von Verschuer

indeterminacy of technoecologies implies a post-anthropocentric notion of agency. Remembering the Foucauldian dictum that the art of governing always also entails “the art of not being governed quite so much” ( Foucault 2007: 45 ) and reading it in a post

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Building “Natural” Beauty: Drought and the Shifting Aesthetics of Nature in Santa Barbara, California

Andrew McCumber

cultural shifts in relationships between society and nature. Urban Forest in Ecological Crisis Building on literature from the French tradition theorizing the construction of place ( Bourdieu 1977 ; de Certeau 1984 ; Foucault 1986 ; Lefebvre 1992 ), and

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Explicating Ecoculture

Tracing a Transdisciplinary Focal Concept

Melissa M. Parks

The age of Enlightenment marked a discursive, ideological division between humans and their ecologies, with a hierarchical organization that awarded highest value to humans ( Foucault 2005 ; Horkheimer and Adorno 1972 ; Plumwood 2002 ). Dominant

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Is Risk a Drive for Change? Pollution and Risk Displacement in 1970s to 1980s Hong Kong

Lam Yee Man

encouraged to report Lap Sap Chung , surveillance was everywhere and required no specific agent in maintaining this invisible mechanism ( Foucault 1995 ). So, what was the result? As stated in a government report, there was a clear change of attitude toward

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Efficiency and the Rebound Effect in the Hegemonic Discourse on Energy

Franco Ruzzenenti and Aleksandra Wagner

discourse largely preserves the existing economic structures and liberal order. Discourse is understood here as referring to both a system of meaning and social practice. It is penetrated by power-knowledge relations ( Foucault 1981 ). While “discourse

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Forgetting Flooding? : Post-disaster Livelihood and Embedded Remembrance in Suburban Santa Fe, Argentina

Susann Baez Ullberg

to carry out participant observation and to do interviews in the Westside outskirts and the suburban Coastside, I expected to find some kind of “counter memories” to this public forgetfulness ( Fabian 2007 ; Foucault 1977 ). I knew from the archives

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The Metrics of Making Ecosystem Services

Pamela McElwee

, respectively. The body of work labeled “governmentality” studies, after Michel Foucault’s formulation, has focused attention on relations and subjectivities in governance that influence the “conduct of conduct,” which are accomplished through “apparently humble