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Refugia Roundtable

Imagining Refugia: Thinking Outside the Current Refugee Regime

Nicholas Van Hear, Veronique Barbelet, Christina Bennett, and Helma Lutz

The refugee and migration summits in the US in September 2016 rounded off no fewer than seven major international meetings in that year that set out to solve the refugee and migrant “crisis” that escalated from around 2015 ( Migration Policy

Free access

Introduction to the Issue

Encountering Hospitality and Hostility

Mette Louise Berg and Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh

hostility towards migrants around the world and in different historical contexts. Our contributors examine questions that are at the core of diverse encounters, including how and why different actors have responded to the actual, prospective, and imagined

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Migrant Residents in Search of Residences

Locating Structural Violence at the Interstices of Bureaucracies

Megan Sheehan

Over the past 20 years, migration to Chile has increased dramatically in size and scope, driven by Chile’s return to democracy, growing economy, and demand for unskilled labor. As migrants settle in Chile, they face numerous encounters with

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Media Representations of Separated Child Migrants

From Dubs to Doubt

Rachel Rosen and Sarah Crafter

control of national borders ( Gabrielatos and Baker 2008 ), with migrants representing a “drain” on fiscal systems ( Caviedes 2015 ). In these accounts, “the nation” is frequently presented in nostalgic and xenophobic terms, with migrants constituted as a

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Both 'One' and 'Other': Environmental Cosmopolitanism and the Politics of Hybridity in Costa Rica

Mark Johnson and Suzanne Clisby

Cosmopolitans are frequently characterized as living and perceiving the world and their environment from a distance. Drawing on ethnographic work among a small group of Western migrants in Costa Rica, we complicate this portrayal in a number of ways. First, we demonstrate that these people think in similar kinds of ways as social theorists: they too are worried about living at a distance from place and are seeking what is, in their way of reckoning, a more engaged relationship with their surroundings. Second, however, we explore the social context and corollaries of these migrants' attempts to bring together a putatively "modern/cosmopolitan" way of relating to place and a "traditional/place-based" way of relating to surroundings. Specifically, we demonstrate how migrant claims to transcend the differences between "tradition" and "modernity" create new forms of social exclusion as they, both literally and figuratively, come to claim the place of "the other."

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Cultures of Soy and Cattle in the Context of Reduced Deforestation and Agricultural Intensification in the Brazilian Amazon

Ariela Zycherman

’s (INCRA), from 1970 to 1999 approximately 700,000 families were resettled through land reform programs, with more than half of them arriving in the late 1990s ( Guedes et al. 2014 ). These migrants came via the TransAmazon highway (BR 230), or the Trans

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Parks, Proxies, and People

Ideology, Epistemology, and the Measurement of Human Population Growth on Protected Area Edges

David M. Hoffman

migration, particularly of adult males. Furthermore, multiple authors express particular concern for ICDP success and the attraction of poor migrants that would exacerbate the utilization of resources by existing poor communities, and thereby threaten

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Contested Greenspace Solidarities?

Asymmetric Valuation Compromises and Civic-Material Tensions in Copenhagen Allotment Gardens

Nicola C. Thomas and Anders Blok

out previous renters. For non-Danish citizens, such as asylum seekers or migrants without permanent residence (requiring a minimum of four years stay in Denmark and three and a half years of full-time employment, among other conditions), the purchasing

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A Method for the New Materialism

Jaime Moreno Tejada

mushroom aficionados but mostly by migrant laborers, who live in the messy fringes of the informal economy. Also, interestingly, matsukake grows healthiest in postindustrial forests—ruined forests, forests that are a shadow of their natural self. “Ruin” is

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Feathered Roots and Migratory Routes: Immigrants and Birds in the Anthropocene

J. Cristobal Pizarro and Brendon M. H. Larson

areas. For example, Bar-Tailed Godwits ( Limosa lapponica ) perform a 12,000 km nonstop flight from Alaska to New Zealand and Australia ( Gill et al. 2008 ), and a variety of species of neotropical migrants connect Mesoamerican rainforests with urban