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Boys, Bullying and Biopedagogies in Physical Education

Michael Atkinson and Michael Kehler

There has been a dramatic rise in public, and particularly the media, attention directed at concerns regarding childhood obesity, and body shape/contents/images more broadly. Yet amidst the torrential call for increased attention on so-called “body epidemics” amongst youth in Canada and elsewhere, links between youth masculinities and bodily health (or simply, appearance) are largely unquestioned. Whilst there is a well-established literature on the relationship between, for example, body image and marginalized femininities, qualitative studies regarding boys and their body images (and how they are influenced within school settings) remain few and far between. In this paper, we offer insight into the dangerous and unsettled spaces of high school locker-rooms and other “gym zones” as contexts in which particular boys face ritual (and indeed, systematic) bullying and humiliation because their bodies (and their male selves) simply do not “measure up.” We draw on education, masculinities, health, and the sociology of bodies literature to examine how masculinity is policed by boys within gym settings as part of formal/informal institutional regimes of biopedagogy. Here, Foucault’s (1967) notion of heterotopia is drawn heavily upon in order to contextualize physical education class as a negotiated and resisted liminal zone for young boys on the fringes of accepted masculinities in school spaces.

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“I Am Trying” to Perform Like an Ideal Boy

The Construction of Boyhood through Corporal Punishment and Educational Discipline in Taare Zameen Par

Natasha Anand

Discipline and Punish ([1975] 1995)—the text that influences my entire discussion—Michel Foucault gives the classroom weight equal to the jail house or the factory as evidence for a panoptic discipline that pins the subject within its gaze. In such a gaze

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“Boys in Power”

Consent and Gendered Power Dynamics in Sex

Katrín Ólafsdottir and Jón Ingvar Kjaran

draws our attention to patriarchy 4 and the underlying gendered power imbalances at work and uses it as a theoretical lens through which to view society ( Hesse-Biber [2006] 2014 ). We also draw on Michel Foucault's writings on subjectification

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A Social Negotiation of Hope

Male West African Youth, ‘Waithood’ and the Pursuit of Social Becoming through Football

Christian Ungruhe and James Esson

“entrepreneur of self, being for himself his own capital, being for himself his own producer, being for himself the source of his earnings” ( Foucault 2008: 226 ). This individuated understanding of the sporting body as a means to generate an income has been

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“I Don't Want to Spend My Life under a Toilet Seat”

Aspiration, Belonging, and Responsible Masculinities in the Lives of White, Working-Class Boys in a Youth Inclusion Program at the YMCA

Ross Wignall

youth engagement centers ( Smyth 2017 ). In this context, the “reflective culture” ( Kushner 2006 ; Wignall 2016a ) engendered through sport at the YMCA needs to be seen as a choreographed “technology of the body” ( Foucault [1979] 2008 ) that renders

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Non-Transitional Adolescences in The City and the Pillar and Other Voices, Other Rooms

Chung-Hao Ku

Foucault says about homosexuality as “a type of life, a life form” (1990: 43), a gay-identified adult often reconstructs a gay childhood in backformation or looks back on his adolescence as a fuzzy transition. He may look for clues about his homosexuality

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A Phenomenological Study of Arranged Friendships between Young Boys and Men

Man Interest and Masculine Embodiment

Kathrine Vitus and Nathalie Perregaard

Sociology 51 ( 3 ): 643 – 656 . doi: 10.1177/1440783313518251 . Garlick , Steve . 2002 . “ The Beauty of Friendship: Foucault, Masculinity and the Work of Art .” Philosophy and Social Criticism 28 ( 5 ): 558 – 577 . doi: 10