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Search Results
“Exfoliation, Cheese Courses, Emotional Honesty, and Paxil”
Masculinity, Neoliberalism, and Postfeminism in the US Hangout Sitcom
Greg Wolfman
The Oceanic Silence of Rebecca Horn
India Halstead
lingering over the country. As a young girl, she became fascinated by the speeches and performances of Joseph Beuys, an artist who had set the German stage for a revolutionary new form, who was pushing for work that was democratized, holistic, and accessible
Falling Apart Together
On Viewing Ali Atassi’s Our Terrible Country from Beirut
Ira Allen
. For his part, Yassin remains tuned in today to just this difficulty; as he presciently titles a May 2016 interview, “Syria has not democratized; it is the world that has Syrianized.” Likewise, in a November 2017 interview titled “Revolution