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Healthy Mobilities

Sarah L. Bell and Simon Cook

outlined further in the next section, and we then trace it through two provocations: exercise and differential mobilities. We see these as important directions to advance thinking about healthy mobilities and to further develop work at the intersections of

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Stéphanie Ponsavady

whose health is considered. They challenge us to think critically about exercise as “healthy” and to deconstruct our normative preconceptions of differential mobilities or disabled experiences. While they acknowledge that their provocations are partial

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Race and the Politics of Mobility—Introduction

Judith A. Nicholson and Mimi Sheller

mobility politics posits that unequal relations of power shape, and are shaped through mobility. 7 Despite scholarly attention paid in recent years to how multiple and differential mobilities shape mobility politics, for example, in relation to gender

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Ceasing Fire and Seizing Time

LA Gang Tours and the White Control of Mobility

Sarah Sharma and Armonds R. Towns

autonomous mobility and the assumed right to move Others. This differential mobility has created a world in which white people have historically imagined they are civilizing safe presences that aid others by implementing their cultural, political, and

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Interrogating Aspirations through Migratory Mobilities

Supurna Banerjee and Eva Gerharz

invoking memories of Paraguay. Differential mobility empowerment thus reflects structures and hierarchies of power, which are shaped by social identities of race, gender, age, and class, among others. 11 Feminists like Sara Ahmed 12 caution that the

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Diverse Driving Emotions

Exploring Chinese Migrants’ Mobilities in a Car-Dependent City

Sophie-May Kerr, Natascha Klocker, and Gordon Waitt

Diversity in Mobilities Research Judith Nicholson and Sheller flagged that there is surprisingly little research on intersections of mobility, race, and ethnicity. 48 Yet differential mobility arises from (and reinforces) racial inequalities, as evidenced

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Target Practice

The Algorithmics and Biopolitics of Race in Emerging Smart Border Practices and Technologies

Tamara Vukov

border technologies and the accompanying perceptual regimes they put into place above, smart border surveillance technologies are having a deep impact on how race is being read, monitored, and enacted through the border and the differential mobility

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“Four Guys and a Hole in the Floor”

Racial Politics of Mobility and Excretion among BC-Based Long Haul Truckers

Amie McLean

narrative dynamics and normative power arrangements in the British Columbia (BC)-based trucking industry. I argue that differential mobilities therein are profoundly shaped by racial mobility politics. To provide a detailed analysis of how these narratives