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  • Transportation Studies x
  • Mobility Studies x
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Blue Sky Matter

Toward an (In-flight) Understanding of the Sensuousness of Mobilities Design

Ole B. Jensen and Phillip Vannini

737 and the DHC-2 we reflect on the different atmospheres of our flight experiences. Finally, we conclude with a brief reflection on the ontology of mobilities design. By introducing ideas drawn from alien phenomenology and flat ontology, 14 we

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Ceasing Fire and Seizing Time

LA Gang Tours and the White Control of Mobility

Sarah Sharma and Armonds R. Towns

control of mobility. Mobility is central to the political ontologies of race in the United States. One’s racial identity has an always-already mobile element. In simple terms, it is one of the mechanisms by which people are raced in the United States. In

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Racing Mobility, Excavating Modernity

A Comment

Cotten Seiler

case for mobility as central to everything from the structured inequalities of the contemporary city to the formation of the raced and gendered modern subject; and their interventions range from the reformist to the ontological. Maybe the influential

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Dangerous Mobilities

Mimi Sheller

nonrepresentational elements of such bodily sensing also demand more attention to object-oriented ontologies. Human bodies are implicated in the material affects of the more-than-human, as Adams-Hutcheson describes, vibrating with and through them. Third, there is

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Mobility Studies, a Transdisciplinary Field

Dagmar Schäfer

on the move. As a historian of science and technology, I would like to add that the epistemic implications of movement and mobility—its local and global impact on practices and theories of knowledge—and the ontological consequences require attention

Free access

Vistas of Future New Mobility Studies

Transfers and Transformations

Georgine Clarsen, Peter Merriman, and Mimi Sheller

importance of continuing to think through some deeply philosophical questions, particularly the need to adequately theorize the ontological foundations and the realist worldviews of much mobility research. He suggested that key questions remain about what

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Interplaced Mobility in the Age of “Digital Gestell

Christopher Howard and Wendelin Küpers

ontological issue that cannot be reduced to epistemological or ethical considerations. In modernity, human beings stand within a technologically enframed world, a situation that both opens and limits their horizons. The Gestell of a given historical epoch

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Nighttime Navigating

Moving a Container Ship through Darkness

Maria Borovnik

Perception of the Environment , 198. 12 Philip Steinberg and Kimberley Peters, “Wet Ontologies, Fluid Spaces: Giving Depth to Volume through Oceanic Thinking,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 33, no. 2 (2015): 247–264, here 250; see also

Open access

State of Uncertainty

Educating the First Railroaders in Central Sakha (Yakutiya)

Sigrid Irene Wentzel

ontologies. 11 They produce “novel configurations of the world,” 12 such as—in this case study—learning how to professionally and socially perform railroading. Brian Larkin introduced the notion of “poetics” to refer to infrastructure's ability to reach out

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Embodied Vibrations

Disastrous Mobilities in Relocation from the Christchurch Earthquakes, Aotearoa New Zealand

Gail Adams-Hutcheson

when they are suddenly halted or missing. The regular repetitive rhythms of life become a “part of the way things are,” which can lead to an “ontological predictability and security.” 26 Lack of these organizational processes of rhythms and habit can