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Search Results
Care, attachements et nouvelles citoyennetés
Pascale Molinier
The Incredible Edible Movement
People Power, Adaptation, and Challenges in Rennes (France) and Montreal (Canada)
Giulia Giacchè and Lya Porto
edible garden with people that want to garden but don’t necessarily have a space to garden. The initiative has been championed by residents from the borough of Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie. The project provides an income to people with garden space to spare
From philanthropy to impact investing
The case of Luxembourg
Shirlita Espinosa
’orientation philantrocapitalistique de la mésofinance à impact social qui sécurise l’investissement de capitaux pour les petites entreprises. Pourtant, malgré l’ébranlement des transferts d’argent directs et non-lucratifs des migrants comme outil de développement à court terme et non