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Regular, Dependable, Mechanical

J.F. Struensee on the State of Denmark

Frank Beck Lassen

This article examines the de facto rule of Johann Friedrich Struensee from 1770 to 1772 in Denmark, in which an effort was made to implement administrative reforms inspired by the ideas of French materialism and Prussian cameralism. Metaphors, particularly mechanical ones, had an important role in Struensee's attempt to legitimize his actions. Based on theoretical premises first presented by Hans Blumenberg, this article investigates two issues: first, how explicit and implicit mechanical and machine-like metaphors were used by Struensee to indicate the ideal architecture of the Danish absolutist state in the 1770s; and second, how his opponents made use of the same metaphors to describe what they saw as Struensee's illegitimate reach for power.

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An Invitation for the Curious; Into Blumenberg's Lens Cabinet; The Historian and His Images

Luc Wodzicki, Marcos Guntin, and Kerstin Maria Pahl

Semantik: Ein kritisches Kompendium (Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2016). Hans Blumenberg, History, Metaphors, Fables: A Hans Blumenberg Reader , edited, translated, and with an introduction by Hannes Bajohr, Florian Fuchs, and Joe Paul

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Koselleck's Dichotomies Revisited

Gabriel Entin

concept of the Jewish people. It alludes to a people whose institution corresponds to the register of the mystical. In his Prospect for a Theory of Nonconceptuality , Hans Blumenberg quotes Ludwig Wittgenstein in his Tractatus logico

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The Janus Face of Metaphor; A European Conceptual History of Internationalism; Language, Time, and Revolution in the Iberian Atlantic

Hannes Bajohr, Martin Kristoffer Hamre, and Francisco A. Ortega

, Hans Blumenberg, and Jacques Derrida—is interspersed with remarks on the pros and cons of a diachronic versus a synchronic view on metaphor, comparing them with the most dominant alternative available today: cognitive linguistics, specifically the

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Beyond Metaphor

Corporeal Sociability and the Language of Commerce in Eighteenth-Century Britain and France

Joseph D. Bryan

University Press, 2006), 24. 2 Otto Mayr, Authority, Liberty, and Automatic Machinery in Early Modern Europe (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989), 30. Hans Blumenberg would question Mayr's qualification “only.” In his assessment

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On Reinhart Koselleck's Intellectual Relations to Carl Schmitt

Niklas Olsen

various issues. This is, for example, the case, when, in a letter authored in 1971, he praises Hans Blumenberg (with whom Schmitt was engaged in a dispute about the “Legitimacy of the Modern Age”) for his “consistently anti-theological” and “functional

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Republican Liberty and the Pindaric Genealogy of Modern Abstractions

Boris Maslov

's interest in the political and social history of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to the kind of conceptual longue durée explored by Hans Blumenberg in his inquiry into European modernity's “work on myth.” 7 Essentially conservative, genres, in

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Groping in the Dark

Conceptual History and the Ungraspable

Jan Ifversen and Christoffer Kølvraa

; then [return] to language from that something which is not language,” 11 or with Hans Blumenberg to focus on how “to represent unsayability itself linguistically.” 12 It is, in other words, Koselleck's language about “that which is not language” that

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Traveling Concepts

On the Road with Margrit Pernau

Jan Ifversen

Michaela Richter] Contributions to the History of Concepts 6, no. 1 (2011): 1–37, here 21. 29 Brian Massumi, Parables for the Virtual: Movement, Affect, Sensation (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2002). 30 Hans Blumenberg, “Prospects for a Theory

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Fragmentation in International Law and Global Governance

A Conceptual Inquiry

Timo Pankakoski and Antto Vihma

sciences, contain metaphoric elements in current usage or etymology. 47 Fragmentation is a case in point. Correspondingly, we see metaphors with Hans Blumenberg as the “substructures of thought” that direct the formation of the “systematic crystallisations