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Free access

Undoing Traceable Beginnings

Citizenship and Belonging among Former Burundian Refugees in Tanzania

Patricia Daley, Ng’wanza Kamata, and Leiyo Singo

insufficient for the positive self-identity that he craved—what the sociologist Anthony Giddens (1991) terms “ontological security.” For that, Zacharia needed to erase the affliction of his ethnic past. For over 40 years, refugees who fled Burundi in 1972

Free access


Jelena Tošić and Annika Lems

Chakrabarty's (2000) critique of historicism. Chakrabarty's postcolonial approach focuses on hegemonic images of history, both in terms of a specific ontological mode of seeing and interpreting the world from an ethnocentric historicist position and as an

Free access

Media Representations of Separated Child Migrants

From Dubs to Doubt

Rachel Rosen and Sarah Crafter

“humanitarian frame” references narratives of saving/rescuing and a moral language of duty and responsibility. The fourth, an “ontological frame,” captures preoccupations with questions of social categories. Our analysis highlights a set of polarized indicators

Free access

Introduction to the Issue

Encountering Hospitality and Hostility

Mette Louise Berg and Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh

’s article, which traces the sense of “ontological (in)security” experienced by former Burundian refugees in Tanzania, even following acquisition of legal citizenship in that country. The article traces the strategies for securing belonging adopted by former

Free access

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Refugee and Migration Studies

Lessons from Collaborative Research on Sanctuary in the Changing Times of Trump

Sara Vannini, Ricardo Gomez, Megan Carney, and Katharyne Mitchell

us as well as in our students. Our ontological framings suddenly toppled as everything we knew or thought we knew about the US crashed around us. When we started, we didn’t really have this expectation. Then the expectation became reality, but

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Book Reviews

Estella Carpi, Sandy F. Chang, Kristy A. Belton, Katja Swider, Naluwembe Binaisa, Magdalena Kubal-Czerwińska, and Jessie Blackbourn

-centuries-old diasporicity between Liberia and America. Heide Østbø Haugen, in her work with Nigerians in China, embraces as method the alternative ontology of time that Pentecostalism promulgates, to reveal the paradox of hope as practices, assigned moral values that

Free access

Refugia Roundtable

Imagining Refugia: Thinking Outside the Current Refugee Regime

Nicholas Van Hear, Veronique Barbelet, Christina Bennett, and Helma Lutz

: Autonomy of Migration, Organisational Ontology and Mobile Commons .” Citizenship Studies 17 ( 2 ): 178 – 196 . 10.1080/13621025.2013.780736 Siegfried , K. 2017 . “ New Refugee Framework ‘Dead in the Water’ without More International Support

Restricted access

“My Visa Application Was Denied, I Decided to Go Anyway”

Interpreting, Experiencing, and Contesting Visa Policies and the (Im)mobility Regime in Algeria

Farida Souiah

: Control and Subversion in the Twenty-First Century . London : Pluto . Papadopoulos , Dimitris , and Vassilis S. Tsianos . 2013 . “ After Citizenship: Autonomy of Migration, Organisational Ontology and Mobile Commons .” Citizenship Studies 17