commentary on Peel’s paper. The first contribution to our articles section, by Jon Bialecki, offers variations on some of the themes raised by J. D. Y. Peel’s piece on iconoclasm and his work more generally. These include nationalism, uses of the past in the
Search Results
Religions, Histories, and Comparisons
Simon Coleman, Ruy Llera Blanes, and Sondra L. Hausner
Inaugural Editorial
Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh and Mette Louise Berg
the social sciences, grounded as they are in “methodological nationalism” ( Wimmer and Glick-Schiller 2003 ) and a “sedentarist bias” ( Malkki 1995 ). Migration and Society will act as a space to host and foster inter-, cross-, and trans
Religious Plurality, Interreligious Pluralism, and Spatialities of Religious Difference
Jeremy F. Walton and Neena Mahadev
ironically strengthen the asymmetrical power of majoritarian Sinhala nationalism. Islamic institutions in the Balkans have become sites for a new minority politics of recognition that could not have been anticipated in socialist Yugoslavia. In each of these
Undoing Traceable Beginnings
Citizenship and Belonging among Former Burundian Refugees in Tanzania
Patricia Daley, Ng’wanza Kamata, and Leiyo Singo
2013 ; Heilman 1998 ). The processes of accumulation that favors foreign investors and new, educated, entrepreneurial labor have given rise to narrow nationalism on the part of those among the elite and the popular classes who feel marginalized and
Experiencing In-betweenness
Literary Spatialities
Tahmineh Hooshyar Emami
, nationalism, religious affairs and geographic and climatic nuances, providing a stage for displacement and integration. This sits in contrast with the common dictionary-bound definition of a city as a large town, and/or a relatively large and permanent human
Book Reviews
Sabina Barone, Veronika Bernard, Teresa S Büchsel, Leslie Fesenmyer, Bruce Whitehouse, Petra Molnar, Bonny Astor, and Olga R. Gulina
-and inter-group dynamics as a result of Syrian Christians’ assimilation into Hindu society, encounters with Portuguese and, later, British missionaries, Indian nationalism, and international migration. In doing so, the book offers a nuanced picture of Mar
Francis, a Criollo Pope
Valentina Napolitano
Anderson's thesis, Criollo nationalism in the Americas (and Mexico in particular) was also sacralized, rather than secularized, through its belief that all people, regardless of place of birth, were children of the same blood of Christ ( Lomnitz-Adler 2001
Legacies, Trajectories, and Comparison in the Anthropology of Buddhism
Nicolas Sihlé and Patrice Ladwig
by Galmiche (2011) , a sociologist of religion. 9 For a critical overview of the Buddhist gift and other forms of transfer, see Sihlé (2015b) . 10 Beyond nationalism, these modernist forms have been characterized by rationalism and ‘Protestant
A Timeless Measure of Who We Are?
Elena Isayev
hand, and that elementary precondition of human freedom, which is the freedom of movement” ( De Genova 2010: 39 ). The contradictions, inherent within an international system of liberal nationalism that allows for such scenarios, leave those seeking