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Free access

The Modernity of Political Representation

Its Innovative Thrust and Transnational Semantic Transfers during the Sattelzeit (Eighteenth to Nineteenth Centuries)

Samuel Hayat and José María Rosales

Representation is a major and multifaceted concept of modern politics. Through open and regular elections, it shields the democratic character of representative governments, compelling politicians to pursue the interests of their constituencies and

Open access

Republican Constitutionalism

Plebeian Institutions and Anti-Oligarchic Rules

Camila Vergara

inevitable degradation of the system of restraints and incentives aimed at limiting the oligarchic tendencies of representative government, ‘the vices which will corrupt even the best organised constitution if it remains unaltered’ (221). Condorcet

Open access

Opacity and Transparency

On the ‘Passive Legitimacy’ of Capitalist Democracy

Daniel Hausknost

reification to modern epistemic reification that allowed for the emergence of representative government and of what would later develop into representative democracy. To be sure, epistemic reification as a strategy to construct a black box that produces social

Open access

Nyerere and the African Theory of Democracy

Conrad John Masabo

circumstances where the element of freedom is the decisive factor” (Cory 1953, as quoted by Hunter 2015: 79 ). For Malcolm, since “democracy has many forms, thus, representative government as practiced in Great Britain is one; and it may not be audacious to

Free access

What Is Democratic Theory?

Rikki Dean, Jean-Paul Gagnon, and Hans Asenbaum

, Bernard. 1997 . The Principles of Representative Government . Themes in the Social Sciences. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . . 10.1017/CBO9780511659935 Mansbridge , Jane. 2003 . “ Rethinking

Open access

Democratic Procedures Are Not Inherently Democratic

A Critical Analysis of John Keane's The New Despotism (Harvard University Press, 2020)

Gergana Dimova

: Cambridge University Press . Manin , Bernard . 1997 . The Principles of Representative Government . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Milton Edwards , Beverly . 1993 . “ Facade Democracy and Jordan .” British Journal of Middle Eastern

Open access

Democratic Theory and the Empirical Study of Popular Vote Processes

Spencer McKay

, Bryan . 2010 . “ Representative Government and Popular Sovereignty .” In Political Representation , ed. Alexander S. Kirshner , Elisabeth Jean Wood , Ian Shapiro , and Susan C. Stokes , 90 – 110 . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press

Open access

Book Reviews

Dominik Austrup, Marion Repetti, Andreas Avgousti, Th. W. Bottelier, and Antonin Lacelle-Webster

constraining rulers to obtain consent from their people” (102). It comes in two variants: the direct form Stasavage calls early democracy, which boasted constant if restricted political participation, and the indirect, representative government without mandates

Open access

Britain, Brexit and Euroscepticism

Anthropological Perspectives on Angry Politics, Technopopulism and the UK Referendum

Cris Shore

schooled in the convoluted first-past-the-post system of representative government there was something intoxicating about the referendum's simplicity and its violence. For a fleeting moment, The People really were sovereign. One reason for that sense

Open access

Toward a Grounded Theory of Democracy

A Trial Using Political Speeches from Different Times, Places, and Contexts

Rolf Frankenberger and Daniel Buhr

, whereas the fulfillment of the will of the people points at a more unspecific responsibility to bring about the will of the people. This could theoretically include an enlightened monarch as well as a representative government, or a strong party, as long