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Género, desarrollo y políticas públicas

La doble discrepancia de las aristas del poder

Edith Kauffer


Presently, international development organizations have adopted gender perspectives in all policy spheres as a transversal approach as a result of a process that has transited through different foci since the 1950s. Nonetheless, different studies have highlighted the fact that implementation is limited beyond the recurring discourses of governments, non-governmental organizations and funding agencies. We can speak of a discrepancy between rhetoric and practice around gender in development policies, a subject that lies on the edges of power. Furthermore, there is another discrepancy between policy analysis and a gender perspective, where we find little research that achieves a theoretical articulation between two traditions that somehow seem irreconcilable. This article aims to initiate a reflection on that which it identifies as a double discrepancy between gender and policies focused on the edges of power: the failure to integrate gender in development policies and the difficult theoretical articulation of gender within policy. Faced with this double discrepancy, the article proposes some points of convergence around an inclusion of power relations both as a goal of development policies and a policy analysis.

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Transboundary river basins, their hidden realities

Edith Kauffer

Regions & Cohesion is proud to present two photographs by Edith Kauffer that are related to the journal's special section on transboundary waters and river basins. The section includes three articles with focus on water issues at the border between Mexico and the United States in a context of scarcity, with bilateral agreements eventually contested and relatively tense. At the complete opposite of these realities, the following images show the heterogeneity of transboundary river basins at the Mexican borders, particularly in the case with Guatemala.

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Conflits et coopération dans les bassins versants transfrontaliers en Amérique Centrale et au sud du Mexique

du Lempa à l'Usumacinta

Edith Kauffer

*Full article is in French

English abstract: This article explores the apparent paradox of the simultaneity of conflicts and cooperation in transboundary rivers basins in Central America and Southern Mexico. It documents diverse relationships among a plurality of local and national actors as well as reciprocal influences within decision-making processes in the context of events that have taken place in the Lempa and Usumacinta watersheds since 2010. A key point of this reflection is the passage from separate views of conflict and cooperation to the redefinition of a non-linear continuum based on different experiences in the field.

Spanish abstract: Este artículo explora la aparente paradoja entre la simultaneidad de los conflictos y la cooperación en las cuencas transfronterizas de América Central y del sur de México, para acciones posteriores al año 2010 a partir de los casos de los Ríos Lempa y Usumacinta. El texto documenta las diversas relaciones existentes entre una pluralidad de actores locales y nacionales, así como la presencia de influencias recíprocas dentro de los procesos de toma de decisiones. Uno de los elementos más importantes que permite esta reflexión es el tránsito de una visión separada sobre los conflictos y la cooperación a la redefinición de un continuum no linear fundamentado en las diversas experiencias de campo.

French abstract: Cet article propose d'explorer l'apparent paradoxe de la simultanéité des conflits et de la coopération dans les bassins d'Amérique Centrale et du sud du Mexique. Le texte documente les diverses relations entre une pluralité d'acteurs locaux et nationaux, ainsi que les influences réciproques existant dans les processus de prise de décision. La période considère des actions postérieures à 2010, à partir des cas des fleuves Lempa et Usumacinta. Un des éléments clés de cette réflexion est l'évolution d'une analyse qui a débuté dans une vision séparée des conflits et de la coopération à la redéfinition d'un continuum non linéaire basée sur diverses expériences de terrain.

Free access

Introduction. Cross-border basins today and forever

Edith Kauffer and Carmen Maganda


This note presents an account of transboundary basins on a global and regional scale throughout history. The authors introduce the special section on transboundary basins, presenting their constant increase and profound complexity. Regions & Cohesion has shown a permanent interest in this subject, from its first publications and, in particular, with the 2014 special issue that addressed different theoretical, methodological, and case studies in different continents. The three readings that make up this section address contemporary water border contexts and Mexico–U.S. policy where multi- and transdisciplinary challenges continue.


Esta nota presenta un recuento de las cuencas transfronterizas a escala global y regional a través de la historia. Las autoras introducen la sección especial de cuencas transfronterizas exponiendo su constante aumento y su profunda complejidad. La revista Regiones & Cohesión ha demostrado un interés permanente por este tema, desde sus primeras publicaciones y en particular con el número especial de 2014 que abordó distintas problemáticas teóricas, metodológicas y estudios de caso de cuencas transfronterizas en diferentes continentes. Las tres lecturas que componen esta sección abordan contextos contemporáneos de la frontera hídrica y política México-Estados Unidos donde el reto multi- y transdisciplinario continúa vigente.


Cette présentation aborde les bassins versants transfrontaliers à l’échelle globale et régionale à travers l'histoire. Les auteures introduisent la section spéciale sur les bassins transfrontaliers en signalant leur constante augmentation et leur profonde complexité. La revue Regions & Cohesion a démontré un intérêt permanent pour ce thème depuis ses premières parutions en particulier avec la publication du numéro spécial de 2014 qui a evoqué diverses problématiques théoriques, méthodologiques et des études de cas dans différents continents. Les trois lectures qui composent cette section spéciale se centrent sur les contextes contemporains de la frontière hydrique et politique entre le Mexique et les États-Unis où le défí multidisciplinaire et pluridisciplinaire est toujours d'actualité.

Free access

Entre conflictos y cooperación

Pensar las cuencas transfronterizas a la luz de sus actores

Edith Kauffer and Lucile Medina

*Full editorial is in Spanish

En la actualidad, las cuencas transfronterizas ocupan cada vez más la atención no solamente de políticos, sino de académicos. La llamada crisis del agua se manifi esta por una presión creciente sobre las cantidades de agua disponibles y una paulatina contaminación del recurso, las cuales se traducen en tensiones y confl ictos en diversas escalas, desde lo local hasta lo internacional. En el caso de las cuencas transfronterizas en particular, el hecho de compartir territorios entre dos o más Estados implica interacciones entre éstos. Esta confi guración geográfi ca puede combinarse con asimetrías económicas, relaciones internacionales históricamente tensas o con una variabilidad climática que produce situaciones extremosas de abundancia y de escasez de agua. Todo ello repercute en la ocurrencia de acciones cooperativas así como en el surgimiento de confl ictos.

Open access

La política climática mexicana en la cuenca del río Usumacinta (1992–2018)

Esmeralda Pliego Alvarado and Edith Kauffer


Since 2005, Mexico has developed a national climate policy aligned with internationally defined parameters. In this article, we analyze the vertical and horizontal coherences in the process of institutionalization of climate policy during the period 1992–2018 in the Usumacinta River Basin, based on the review of laws and actions implemented at national scale, as well as by the federal states and municipalities. The analysis shows vertical coherence at the national-international scale, as well as at the legal level in the state of Chiapas. In terms of horizontal coherence, it points to a series of incoherencies in the state's legal framework and in concrete actions at the river basin scale linked to the vertical incoherencies between the national scale and states located in the river basin.


Desde 2005, México ha desarrollado una política climática nacional acorde con los parámetros definidos en el ámbito internacional. En este artículo analizamos las coherencias verticales y horizontales en el proceso de institucionalización de la política climática durante el periodo 1992–2018 en la cuenca del río Usumacinta a partir de la revisión de leyes y acciones implementadas a escala nacional, así como de los estados federados y municipios. El análisis evidencia coherencias verticales a escala nacional-internacional y en el ámbito legal en el estado de Chiapas. En materia de coherencia horizontal, apunta una serie de incoherencias a escala de la cuenca en el marco legal estatal y en las acciones concretas, vinculadas con las propias incoherencias verticales entre la escala nacional y los estados de la cuenca.


Depuis 2005, le Mexique a mis en œuvre une politique nationale en matière climatique conformément aux paramètres définis à l’échelle internationale. Dans cet article, nous analysons les cohérences verticale et horizontale du processus d'institutionnalisation de la politique climatique durant la période 1992-2018 dans le bassin versant du fleuve Usumacinta sur la base d'un examen des lois et des actions mises en œuvre à l’échelle nationale, des états fédérés et municipale. L'analyse met en évidence des cohérences verticales à l’échelle nationale-internationales et dans le domaine juridique au Chiapas. En termes de cohérence horizontales, elle dévoile un certain nombre d'incohérences juridiques dans les états fédérés et dans les actions concrètes liées aux incohérences verticales entre l’échelle nationale et les états du bassin versant.

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Five urgent questions related to regional water governance

Harlan Koff, Carmen Maganda, and Edith Kauffer

Between the time when the editors’ note below was written and this issue of Regions & Cohesion went to press, Hurricane Otis battered Acapulco and surrounding villages or communities in Guerrero, Mexico, with sustained winds of 266 km/h — and even stronger gusts hitting up to 330 km/h. Regions & Cohesion has published numerous articles on socioenvironmental sustainability in Acapulco, and a research team from the Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero has even published a recent article on resilience to hurricanes (see Lucero Álvarez et al., 2021). Unfortunately, Acapulco was not prepared for Hurricane Otis, which killed dozens of people, destroyed homes and upended lives, causing over one billion dollars of damage. Three weeks after the hurricane, most of the one million residents of the city remain without food and water. With this note, the editors express our heartfelt solidarity with all the affected people during these difficult times and our commitment to your well-being.

Open access

Building resilience beyond the crisis

Julia Ros-Cuéllar, Harlan Koff, Carmen Maganda, and Edith Kauffer

April 2021 is here, one year and a month after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a state of emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic. The vaccines have arrived, bringing us closer to the end of this crisis, but COVID-19 is not gone; therefore, the call for action remains relevant. We want to take this opportunity to remember and embrace the emphasis that has been put on the need for joint efforts and coordinated strategies, so we can thrive together, bringing everyone on board irrespective of geographic, economic, and political differences.

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Enhancing challenged integration

Stability, security, and governance

Citlalli Alhelí González H., Edith Kauffer, Harlan Koff, and Carmen Maganda

The editorial team at Regions & Cohesion welcomes 2023 with a reflection on the challenges of regional integration at diverse scales, from international relations to very local places and in disparate political arenas. Regional organizations are generally criticized at the moment for a lack of responsiveness to citizen concerns. Our Editors’ Notes over the last two years have highlighted the need for more resilient regionalism that responds to the needs of communities. This is not to say, however, that such regionalism has not existed. Regional integration processes have addressed crises in the past at both the national and local levels.

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Policy innovation through local, sustainable development evaluation

Harlan Koff, Citlalli Alheli González H., Edith Kauffer, and Carmen Maganda

The global political agenda has included some high-profile environmental summits over the past few months. Three of these events stand out. The 2022 United Nations (UN) Climate Change Conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, was held from 6–20 November 2022. This was followed from 7–19 December 2022 by the UN Biodiversity Conference in Montréal, Canada, and the UN-Water Summit at UN Headquarters in New York City from 22–24 March 2023. Of these three events, the Biodiversity Summit made the most impact as delegates committed to protecting 30% of land and 30% of coastal and marine areas by 2030. This pledge is remarkable because it re-establishes political commitments to protect biodiversity, which is a key component of climate action. At the same time, many observers of the summit questioned how nation-states will implement this goal. Like the SDGs, the “30 by 30” commitment is long on aspirations but short on operationalization details. This observation is not a criticism of the agreement per se but a recognition of the challenges preventing ambitious biodiversity conservation plans from being fully implemented.