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“Africa, Are We There Yet?” Taking African Mobilities Seriously—Concluding Remarks

Kudzai Matereke

size” and displacing it. 19 There is more to say about African mobilities as “a theoretical standpoint” not least for its unflappable potential to serve “as a critique of Western notions of mobility that have been universalized” and also because it

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“Containers, Carriers, Vehicles”

Three Views of Mobility from Africa

Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga, Jeroen Cuvelier, and Katrien Pype

This aim of this special section is to announce the launch of a new portfolio of articles on African mobilities. The Africa portfolio seeks to open up a new analytical landscape at the crossroads of mobility, transport, and communication

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Frontiers of Mobilities Studies

Georgine Clarsen

Since its inception, this journal has been at the leading edge of publishing research that rethinks mobilities from a humanities perspective. We learned much in the process. A plenary panel held at the T2M conference in Drexel University in September 2014 reflected on the experiences of our editorial team and announced our plans to organize our future work through a number of broad portfolios. Each invites/dares our contributors to take our thinking into new territory.

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Georgine Clarsen and Gijs Mom

-familiarizing it from Western perspectives with a special section devoted to “African Mobilities.” This special section reaffirms what we earlier declared as our political and intellectual commitment to take Africa seriously, not merely as “fodder for imported

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Gijs Mom and Georgine Clarsen

higher than the year before, partly as a result of two special sections (on Travel Writing and African Mobility). Four articles dealt explicitly with literature, and can be considered to be a part of the media and mobility portfolio. None of the

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Aeromobilities of Student Newcomers in Francophone African Fiction

Anna-Leena Toivanen

complexity—or tragedy—is manifest in most of the analyzed texts. While acknowledging the colonial roots of “modern” mobilities in Africa, it is also necessary to underline, as Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga does, that the study of African mobilities often

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Ten Years of Transfers

Mobility Studies and Social Change during a Pandemic

Mimi Sheller

workspace.” His work has long reminded us that humans, insects, animals, and disease travel together, as both vehicles and passengers. 27 The special section on “African Mobilities” helped to push the field of mobility studies toward non-Western analytical

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Trending Transfers

A Decade of New Mobility Studies through the Lens of Transmodality, Transnationalism, and Transdisciplinarity

Gijs Mom

mobility history. It was on these workshops in Delhi, Kolkata, Dakar, Shanghai, Santiago de Chile, Leuven (on African mobility), Wollongong (on settler colonialism and gendered automobility), Lancaster (on the Middle East and the Saudi-Arabian “drifters

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Conservation-Induced Resettlement

The Case of the Baka of Southeast Cameroon—A Variation on the Habitual Mobility–Immobility Nexus

Harrison Esam Awuh

change in the environment. Also, inscribing itself in the second conceptual strand of this special section on African mobilities, “mobilities of technology,” my article pursues a critical examination of encounters between incoming knowledge and practices