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European Judaism Editorial

Vol. 1 No. 1 Summer 1966

European Judaism

Mercifully the destruction of the European Jewish communities was not total, and at the close of the conflict about 20 per cent of the original population remained to face the future. In some countries, such as France, a high proportion of the total population survived, while in Britain the community was totally spared. Russian Jewry, though continuing its prewar isolation and despite losses from the German occupation, still lives on as a numerically substantial part of the Jewish people. The troubles in North Africa and the Middle East have forced an immigration from those areas into the European continent.

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The Art of Doubting

A Jewish Perspective

Danny Rich

God act unfairly or is God at least indifferent to suffering? Is it simply not possible to discern the reasons for suffering? Judaism, in common with all faiths, has attempted to answer this dilemma. Jewish answers would range from it is not

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Post-War Progressive Judaism in Europe

Jonathan Magonet

In 1946 in London was held the first post-war conference of the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ). Rabbi Dr Leo Baeck, already in his seventies, gave the presidential address. He said: ‘Since the last conference of our World Union a

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Why Were the Founders of Liberal Judaism in Britain Opposed to Zionism?

Lev Taylor

later become known as Liberal Judaism. This movement drew on traditions of reform in the USA and Germany that embraced biblical historicism and gender-egalitarian worship. As in other countries, the Liberals rejected ceremonialism, circumcision and

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The Ninetieth Anniversary of the World Union for Progressive Judaism

Richard G. Hirsch

The World Union for Progressive Judaism has served as the dynamic framework of my life since 1967. It has been my privilege to serve as the Executive Director for twenty-seven years (1972–1999) and since 1999 as Honorary Life President. Why

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Progressive Judaism in France

Stephen Berkowitz

in Judaism. However, it is in this very same country, home to Europe’s largest Jewish population, that Progressive Judaism remains today relatively underdeveloped. Consider, for example, the striking difference in size between Progressive

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Psychoanalytic Judaism, Judaic Psychoanalysis

Stephen Frosh

crucial in the context of Judaism, the religion of the Jews: being Jewish does not depend on holding any particular beliefs or even really on self-definition, but rather it is a matter of community acknowledgement of one's belongingness and heritage. In

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Beniamino Fortis

anthropological perspective. In order to introduce the subject of this issue of European Judaism , I think therefore that it is particularly appropriate to focus on some key points of Buber's work, in which the capacity to establish relations emerges as an

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Progressive Judaism in Austria

Evelyn Adunka

, tempered by the culture of the society that surrounded him. Up to the current day he symbolizes the renewal of Jewishness and Judaism’. Sulzer was in theory in favour of using an organ. He took part in the Israelitische Synode in Leipzig in 1869; its vice

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Jews and Arabs

Lionel Blue

entities. Behind them stand two other and greater beings – Judaism and Islam. It is possible that the goodness inherent in them can achieve what the politicians cannot. Unfortunately neither is spiritually efficient, as all religion has been perverted in