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Socialisms in the Tsarist Borderlands

Poland and Finland in a Contrastive Comparison, 1830—1907

Wiktor Marzec and Risto Turunen

There are probably few ism concepts that have influenced European political trajectories at the turn of the twentieth century more profoundly than socialism . This concept was at the vortex of the great transformation of European societies into

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From Insurrectional Socialism to French National Socialism

Gustave Hervé and the Great War

Michael B. Loughlin

Hervéism gradually emerged as a quixotic crusade attempting to unite the extreme Left in order to prevent war, promote socialism, and—presumably—incite revolution. By the time French socialists unified in April 1905, the Hervéistes or Insurrectionels were

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Comment: Socialism's Mal(e)contents

Masculinity as Performance Art in Postwar and Late Socialism

Marko Dumančić

I was born in Libya in 1979 to Yugoslav parents and grew up in post-Tito Yugoslavia, during the twilight of that peculiar brand of South Slav socialism. Although my most formative years were spent during wartime and in Croatia's postsocialist

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Republican Socialism and Gendered Portrayals of Catholic Masculinity in Nineteenth-Century France

Randolph Miller

republican socialism and the Catholic Church that existed during the July Monarchy had developed into antagonism and open hostility by the Third Republic. 1 For these socialists, the Church had become an open ally of the bourgeoisie and the class system it

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“Maternal Impressions”

Disability Memoirs in Socialist Poland

Natalia Pamula

Polish disability memoirs published in the 1970s and 1980s serve as a testament to the “familialization” ( urodzinnienie ) of disability under state socialism in Poland. The narratives in such memoirs reveal that mothers should be the main

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From Neo-Republicanism to Socialist Republicanism

Antonio Gramsci, the European Council Movements and the ‘Second Republican Revival’

Andreas Møller Mulvad and Benjamin Ask Popp-Madsen

between republicanism and socialism ( Muldoon 2019 ; O'Shea 2019 ), between republicanism and resistance to oligarchy ( Vergara 2020 ), between republicanism, Karl Marx and Marxism ( Gourevitch 2014 ; Leipold 2020 ), between republicanism and ‘the left

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Private, Public and Common

Republican and Socialist Blueprints

Bru Laín and Edgar Manjarín

. Conclusions suggest that both republicanism and socialism are important to understand common goods and common property because both traditions understood public, private, and commons property regimes as components of the same fiduciary logic that adopted

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Men and Masculinities under Socialism: Toward a Social and Cultural History

Peter Hallama

For several decades now, scholars have taken an interest in analyzing the socialist attempts to transform traditional gender arrangements and revolutionize the family. They have studied the different efforts to “emancipate” women under socialism

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The House of Spirits

Care and the Revolutionary State in Cuba

Martin Holbraad

Revolutionary socialism and the caring state: The problem of means versus ends It is remarkable that, in the recently proliferating anthropological literature on concepts and practices of ‘care’, the role of the state as, often, carer

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The Prospects for Socialist Politics in South Africa

Global and Domestic Trends Following the Failed SRWP Experiment

Giovanni Poggi and Ongama Mtimka

any other party, has yet been able to provide a suitable vehicle to convince South Africans to vote for a democratic socialist movement. The Evolution and Democratisation of Socialism in the Modern Era Socialist policy and application in the