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Shanghai, London, and Paris through the Looking Glass

Carlos López Galviz

Imagining the future of cities is often an exercise that is based upon the imagining of future transport infrastructure. The article explores this connection historically by drawing parallels between London, Paris and Shanghai since c.1851. It focuses on the role that symbols and mythmaking have in the process of envisioning both future transport and future cities. It raises questions about the continuities between contexts that are distant across space and over time and the extent to which such continuities might provide some insights into the many connections between cities, transport and mobilities.

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The New Imitation Game

The Queer Sinitic Potentialities of Internet Romance Games

Carlos Rojas

. Rojas , Carlos . 2020 . “ ‘Intermediality—A Weird Concept’: Queer Intermediality in Dung Kai-Cheung's Fiction .” In Keywords in Queer Sinophone Studies , ed. Alvin Wong and Howard Chiang , 175 – 189 . New York : Routledge . 10

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The Representation of Traumatic Memory in Spanish Comics

Remembering the Civil War and Francoism in Panels

Juan Carlos Pérez García

The graphic representation of traumatic memory of war disasters constitutes a broad tradition that can be traced back to Francisco Goya. Comics, with the resources provided by their textual-visual narrative, have been part of that tradition especially since the 1950s. However, representing traumatic memory of war disasters is troublesome, in regard to the artists’ strategies and public reception – as shown by the conflicts between memory, history and myth posed in these works. This article develops a comparative study of traumatic memories in Spanish comics and presents an analysis of the modes of representation in works such as Carlos Giménez’s Paracuellos, Francisco Gallardo Sarmiento and Miguel Gallardo’s Un largo silencio, Antonio Altarriba and Kim’s El arte de volar and Paco Roca’s Los surcos del azar.

Open access

Gobernanza forestal en México desde la perspectiva del análisis estructural

Andrés González Rosales, Carlos Israel Vázquez León, and Carlos Francisco Ortiz-Paniagua


Forest governance is a process influenced by a variety of conditions and factors. This article examines the features and conditions that promote forestry governance in Los Azufres, Mexico, subject to forest exploitation through community management units (ejidos and communities). The research question is: What are the characteristics and conditions that determine how forest governance is established and prevails? The study involved a survey and adaptation of the MICMAC structural analysis method. Therefore, 12 variables are determinants of forest governance, and three of these, participation, timber, and forest, were most prevalent. The findings serve as a reference for policies to promote forest governance.


La gobernanza forestal es un proceso en el que influyen diversas condiciones y factores. Este artículo examina las características y condiciones que promueven la gobernanza forestal en la región Los Azufres, México, sujeta a explotación forestal a través de unidades de manejo comunitario (ejidos y comunidades). La pregunta de investigación es: ¿cuáles son las características y condiciones determinantes para que la gobernanza forestal sea establecida y prevalezca? El estudio incluyó una encuesta y adaptación del método de análisis estructural MICMAC. Identificamos 12 variables determinantes de la gobernanza forestal, y tres de ellas, participación, madera y bosque, fueron más prevalentes. Las conclusiones sirven de referencia para las políticas de promoción de la gobernanza forestal.


La gouvernance forestière est un processus influencé par une variété de conditions et de facteurs. Cet article examine les spécificités et les conditions qui promeuvent la gouvernance forestière à Los Azufres au Mexique, objet d'une exploitation forestière à travers des unités de gestion communautaires (ejidos et communautés). La question de recherche posée est la suivante : Quelles sont les caractéristiques et conditions qui déterminent comment la gouvernance forestière est définie et prévaut ? L'étude inclut une enquête et l'adaptation de la méthode d'analyse structurelle MICMAC. Par conséquent, douze variables sont des déterminants de la gouvernance forestière et trois d'entre elles, la participation, le bois et la forêt étaient les plus répandues. Les résultats servent de référence pour les politiques de promotion de la gouvernance forestière.

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The Art and Design of London’s Mobility

Carlos López Galviz

Figure 1 Entrance to the Designology exhibition, which invites visitors to get in “through” the London Underground roundel (© Carlos López Galviz, reproduced with permission of the London Transport Museum). buses) and of the planning and building

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The Concept of Sentimental Boyhood

The Emotional Education of Boys in Mexico during the Early Porfiriato, 1876–1884

Carlos Zúñiga Nieto

España en Madrid, 22 March 1870. 2 Carlos Bojórquez Urzaiz, personal communication, 4 October 2012. 3 Carlos Bojórquez Urzaiz, personal communication, 4 October 2012. 4 The small circulation of children’s newspapers was symptomatic of the limited

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Shakespeare as Character in Two Works by José Carlos Somoza

Ángel-Luis Pujante and Noemí Vera

José Carlos Somoza (1959- ) is the latest in a list of Spanish writers, starting in the Romantic period, who have dealt with Shakespeare as a fictional character. This article examines his presentation of the Bard in his play Miguel Will (1997) and in his short story 'Hamlet' (2008). In the former, Shakespeare is obsessed with the writing of Cardenio and confuses reality and fiction in his private life. In the latter - a short story narrated from the viewpoint of his dog Hamlet - Shakespeare is presented in his domestic milieu in Stratford, where he is forced by a secret corporation to write a different Hamlet.

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Disharmonious Continuity

Critiquing Presence with Sartre and Derrida

Gavin Rae

poststructuralism/deconstruction more generally. Acknowledgments This article forms part of the activities for the Conex Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Project “Sovereignty and Law: Between Ethics and Politics,” co-funded by the Universidad Carlos III de

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Cubero, Carlo A. 2017. Caribbean island movements: Culebra's transinsularities. London: Rowman and Littlefield International. 204 pp. Hb.: £85.00. ISBN: 9781783488353.

Carlos Rivera Santana

Open access

Crisis múltiples, neodesarrollismo y megaproyectos en la región sureste de México

Carlos A. Rodríguez Wallenius


This article analyzes the extractivist and dispossession modalities in the Mexican neodevelopmental proposal to face the multiple crises accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic. With the qualitative narrative method applied to social processes, four infrastructure and extractivist megaprojects are analyzed. Neodevelopmental policies of the current government insist on carrying out works as a strategy to create jobs, reactivate the economy, and promote well-being, especially for the southeast region with high rates of socioeconomic inequality. The findings point to an increase in investment and job creation and a rejection by various communities and organizations that consider that their ways of life are being threatened by the efforts of the neodevelopmental government to build megaprojects before and during the pandemic.


Este artículo analiza las modalidades extractivistas y de despojo en la propuesta neodesarrollista mexicana para enfrentar las crisis múltiples acentuadas por la pandemia de la COVID-19. Con el método cualitativo narrativo aplicado a procesos sociales, se analizan cuatro megaproyectos de infraestructura y extractivistas. Las políticas neodesarrollistas del gobierno actual insisten en realizar obras como una estrategia para crear empleos, reactivar la economía y fomentar el bienestar, especialmente para la región sureste con altos índices de desigualdad socioeconómica. Los hallazgos señalan un incremento en la inversión y en la generación de empleos pero también un rechazo de varias comunidades y organizaciones que consideran que sus formas de vida están siendo amenazadas frente a los esfuerzos del gobierno neodesarrollista por construir megaproyectos antes y durante la pandemia.


Cet article analyse les modalités extractivistes et de dépossession incluses dans la proposition néo-développementaliste mexicaine afin de faire face aux crises multiples accentuées par la pandémie de Covid-19. Avec la méthode narrative qualitative appliquée aux processus sociaux, quatre mégaprojets d'infrastructures et d'extraction sont analysés. Les politiques néo-développementalistes du gouvernement actuel insistent sur la réalisation de travaux comme stratégie pour créer des emplois, réactiver l'économie et promouvoir le bien-être, en particulier pour la région du sud-est qui connaît des taux élevés d'inégalités socio-économiques. Les résultats indiquent une augmentation des investissements et de la création d'emplois, mais aussi un rejet de la part de diverses communautés et organisations qui considèrent que leurs modes de vie sont menacés par les efforts du gouvernement néo-développementaliste pour construire des mégaprojets avant et pendant la pandémie.