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Buber's Ethics

Dialogue, Revelation, Selves and Worlds

Victor Jeleniewski Seidler

Buber's Ethics Responding to his critics towards the end of his life in The Philosophy of Martin Buber , Martin Buber recalls his friend Hugo Bergman's challenge: ‘Of a teacher, we expect that he will give indications as to how we should walk

Open access

The ethics of ESG

Sustainable finance and the emergence of the market as an ethical subject

Matthew Archer

us about the ethics of sustainable finance in particular and the ethics of sustainability more generally? In this article, I am interested in how sustainable finance practitioners’ preoccupation with quantifying and measuring social and environmental

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Interaction between Society and Medical Ethics in Saudi Arabia

Abdulla Al Sayyari, Fayez Hejaili, and Faissal Shaheen

, patriarchal societal systems and, more importantly, that Islamic ethics and Shari’a primarily govern those ethics ( Rahim 2013 ). Through our experience in teaching bioethics to medical residents and medical students, we have noticed that virtually all of

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Screen Stories: Emotion and the Ethics of Engagement

Opening Remarks

Carl Plantinga

Screen Stories: Emotion and the Ethics of Engagement (hereafter Screen Stories ) provides a framework for an ethics of long-form storytelling on screens. The book conceives of ethics as the “ecology of storytelling.” We likely all agree that the

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A Malady of the Left and an Ethics of Communism

Badiouian Diagnosis, Lacanian Cure, Sartrean Responsibility

Andrey Gordienko

Ethics is for us inevitable and at the same time impossible. —Jean-Paul Sartre Every One Counts for One One of the most notable consequences of Alain Badiou's revitalisation of the communist hypothesis in The Meaning of Sarkozy has

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Medium Specificity, Iterative Ethics, and Algorithmic Culture in The Good Place

Jane Stadler

Carl Plantinga's Screen Stories: Emotion and the Ethics of Engagement (2018) comes alive with vivid examples that illuminate how emotional engagement with film and television informs ethical life as characterization, narration, and style

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Ethics, Sublimity and Hospitality

Levinas and the Romantics

Mehrdad Bidgoli and Pyeaam Abbasi

experiences which might have proven quite sublime for him in many ways and helped him formulate his highly original ‘ethics as first philosophy’. For one thing, Levinas never forgets Dostoevsky's famous words in his last novel The Brothers Karamazov (1880) 2

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Synthetic Beings and Synthespian Ethics

Embodiment Technologies in Science/Fiction

Jane Stadler

screen and off, this article questions what biotechnological ethics means in 2019, the year in which Blade Runner (Ridley Scott, 1982) is set. Film and television offer rich cultural imaginings of possible scientific and technological miracles, and

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Eschatology, Ethics, and Ēthnos

Ressentiment and Christian Nationalism in the Anthropology of Christianity

Jon Bialecki

This is an article about eschatology, ressentiment , and Christian nationalism. It is also about the unfixed nature of the nationalist imagination, the mutability of the ethical form, and the consequences of the various masks that ethics takes. My

Open access

Trolleyology and the Anthropology of the Ethical Imagination

Hallvard Lillehammer

anthropologically interesting challenges to “trolleyology” arguably lie elsewhere. The second problematic aspect of thought experiments in ethics is whether, given the responses to counterfactuals described in a certain way, there is an interestingly narrow range